Sunday, August 21, 1994

Third time at the Savoy Mountain 20-Mile Trail Race in Savoy and Florida, Massachusetts.

I managed an 11th place overall, with a time of 3:15:35 in tremendous mud and water.

Saturday, August 13, 1994

Day three of the Mohawk Trail State Forest Adventure - our final bit.

Participated at the Bridge of Flowers 10km race in nearby Buckland & Shelbourne Falls.  Completed the event in 41:57.

Friday, August 12, 1994

Day two of our camping trip at Mohawk Trail State Forest.  

Much of the day was spent at nearby Savoy Mountain State Forest hiking to Spruce Hill Summit, and eating blackberries along the way.

Thursday, August 11, 1994

Began a few day camping trip with DL & Dusty at Mohawk Trail State Forest.

Sunday, August 7, 1994

1st (and only?) Temple Mountain 12-Mile Trail Race.

I completed the race in 1:46:12, which was plenty fast.