Sunday, January 26, 2003

1st Annual Curly's Record Run 3.5-Mile Snowshoe Race
January 26th, 2003 - Pittsfield State Forest - Pittsfield, MA

The first ever Curly's Record Run was held in Pittsfield State Forest today, organized by my good friends the Herder's, Voll's, and Birkby's.

I finished in 9th position, with a total of 97 participants.  

Saturday, January 18, 2003

4th Annual Greylock Glen 5km Snowshoe Race
January 18th, 2003 - Adams,  Massachusetts

Race Directing duties with PH at the fourth Greylock Glen Snowshoe Race at the Mount Greylock State Reservation, in the Adams Glen...

This was a cold one, even for the Glen.  -28 degrees.  My Pop and I got there really early with PH, to set up the tarps and cooking equipment, get the registration going inside the gazebo.

It was darn cold.  No race for me today, I would do the race-timing instead.  Regardless of my issues, 82 people finished the event, and 2 additional swept the course for us.  Outstanding day!

Saturday, January 11, 2003

6th Annual South Pond Shuffle 4-Mile Snowshoe Race
January 11th, 2003 - Florida & Savoy,  Massachusetts

Race Directing duties at the sixth South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe Race at Savoy Mountain State Forest...  once again part of the WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series!

The event had 92 starters and 90 finishers, circling North Pond, South Pond, and Tyler Swamp.

Saturday, January 4, 2003

1st Annual Saratoga Biathlon 5km Snowshoe Race
January 4th, 2003 - Day, NY

The 2003 WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series continued with the initial Saratoga Biathlon 5km Snowshoe Race in Day, New York.

Unfortunately, a real blizzard stopped most of us in our driveways, and only 14 brave explorers made the event on this day.