Sunday, January 25, 2004

2nd Annual Curly's Record Run 4.0-Mile Snowshoe Race
January 25th, 2004 - Pittsfield,  Massachusetts

Another exciting race day, this time in Pittsfield State Forest honoring Curly.  Decent day with difficult competition, I finished 16th of 108.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

5th Annual Greylock Glen 5km Snowshoe Race
January 17th, 2004 - Adams,  Massachusetts

Race Directing duties with PH at the fifth Greylock Glen Snowshoe Race at the Mount Greylock State Reservation, in the Adams Glen...

This was another cold one, even for the Glen.  Around 28 degrees.  As usual, my Pop and I got there really early with PH, to set up the tarps and cooking equipment, get the registration going inside the gazebo.

After the registration duties, I stood up to get ready to race, and I couldn't feel my feet.  There would be no race for me today - so I assisted with the finish line.

Great fast group, 95 finishers.  After the event was over, and everything was packed up, I headed out and ran two-loops with Tips, both around 35 minutes I believe.

Sunday, January 4, 2004

1st Annual Merrimack River 3.3-Mile Snowshoe Race
January 4th, 2004 - Andover, MA

The 2004 WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series ventured out to eastern Massachusetts under the direction of DD;  a respectable 20 finishers in the first year event!

Saturday, January 3, 2004

2nd Annual Saratoga Biathlon 5km Snowshoe Race
January 3rd, 2004 - Day, NY

The 2004 WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series continued with the Saratoga Biathlon 5km Snowshoe Race in Day, New York.

It was a quick, short course, and I managed to place 13th out of 54 participants.