Saturday, October 1, 2016

On this day in 1994, I participated in the 1st Hartford Marathon, running a time of ~3:16:00.  I needed sub 3:10:00 to qualify for Boston, and completing the run "easily" at this pace gained me confidence for my official attempt the following May at Vermont City.  This was my 4th marathon.

Friday, September 30, 2016

4.1-miles along the Farmington River Flats, "over the hill" from Cowles Park.  K2 joined me after work, we just barely beat the rain!

On this day in 2012, I completed my 47th marathon, Nipmuck.  My time was 4:46:30, which was good for 28th place.  This was the 9th time I completed this event.

Monday, September 26, 2016

A quick run along one of my most run routes, Metacomet Trail from Phelps Road, Suffield heading north.  3-miles total for the out and back.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

In Memory...  Rest in Peace Dusty (August 28, 1986 - September 25, 2000).

5.4-miles on the Tunxis Trail.  Ran between Route 219 and Ratlum Road, including a nice view of Lake McDonough.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

6.2-miles in the Bald Mountain area of Shenipsit State Forest.

Looking back to something really special run-wise,,,, on this day in 2006 I completed my 34th marathon, at Greylock.  Greylock Marathon's always mean more to me, and this one was especially memorable due to the company I had for the entire route.

Tippi enjoyed completing her 10th marathon, her second time at Greylock.  I had my dad and our friend Paul H along as well.  We finished at 7:29:23, and just beat some rain.  Unbelievable day!

Greylock Finish, 2006 

Friday, September 23, 2016

3.4-miles on the Metacomet Trail, Hatchet Hill section down to Cowles Park.  Jumping off the Metacomet onto Taj Mahal (I think), there is an interesting merger between a Hemlock and Black Birch.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

On this day in 1997 I completed my 15th marathon in 5:03:39.  This was my first attempt at Pisgah, and I have it listed as 29.3-miles.  This was decent running, from where I am now.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

On this day in 2009, I completed my 43rd marathon, the 2nd Curly's Marathon.  After feeling as though I was demolished at this event last year, I had a goal of finishing under 5-hours.  In 2008, the event took me 5:54:36.  This would be a challenge, and something I do not usually stress myself with (having a "goal" time).

The day was tremendous, and I felt great.  Somehow though, in the first 5 or 6 miles, I missed a turn.  I ran a ways before I turned around.  By the time I re-entered the correct course, I was at the very back of the race.  After several minutes, I caught my (at the time) 70-year old father.  This was not great, but I felt so fantastically good that I wasn't really bothered by it.

A few miles later I caught Wuzzam, and we ran along the top and Berry Pond together.  I pushed decently down the Turner Trail, lost Wuzzam but got to half-way just after 2:30:00.  All I needed to do was run the same time for the second loop - yes, I would be tired, but I wouldn't have to run the extra mile or more.

I can still recall getting back to the top and knowing I would really have to push down the entire Turner Trail.  I did, and finished under my 5-hour goal with a 4:59:27.  I felt really, really good on this day.  I have no idea how far I went out of my way on that first loop - but judging where I came back out on the course and who I was behind at that point, it was meaningful minutes.  Keeping a positive attitude through it really helped, and I felt blessed.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Old Faithfull, 3.8-miles from Phelps Road in Suffield along the Metacomet Trail.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

The new bridge on the Metacomet inspired me to see if the route all the way to the quarry north of Route 57 was still in my memory (or marked).  All went well, and I was able to get around the quarry easily enough before heading back.  Round Trip of 10.9-miles.

 Looking East at beginning of Bog Bridge.

Halfway across.

A look North from mid-point of bridge.

East-Side of Bridge on the way back.


Friday, September 16, 2016

Took a very quick run on the Metacomet (or New England Trail, as it is more currently named) from Rising Corner into Agawam.  Had a really nice surprise as The Pioneer Valley Hiking Club seems to have finished the bridge work over the swamp.  It is amazing, and very well done.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Another trip to Dubuque State Forest in Hawley, Massachusetts for trail monitoring and research.  Focus for this trip was the Gould Trail, from South Road to Gould Meadow at Hallockville Road, and the connecting routes off the main section of trail.  My monitor report records the following:
  • Gould Trail, or Gould Meadow Trail, from South Road (0.20-Miles west of intersection of South & Middle Roads) to Hallockville Road directly across from Moody Spring Road.  1.36-Miles.
  • Gould Horseshoe Loop, east and west, which completes a half-circle route intersecting the northern section of the Gould Trail, entering and exiting along Hallockville Road.  West Section is 0.52-Miles; East Section is 0.39-Miles.
  • The Gould Trail to Middle Road Connector, which begins 0.10-Miles north of the Gould Trail's southern trailhead off South Road and heads northeast.  0.40-Miles.
Total distance for the day was 5.60-Miles.

Abundant Stonewalls in area, and several cellar holes worth researching.

Bog off Hallockville Road.

Mushroom and Birch.

Cellar Hole.

Another Cellar Hole.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

On this day in 1999, I completed my 20th marathon at Pisgah.  Time was 5:47:30, and I am fairly certain this was a 50km event.  I missed a turn somewhere around 10-miles, and had to backtrack a bunch.  Thinking back, I have not gotten lost often at all....  basically this one and a Curly's.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

On this day in 2005, I completed my 29th marathon at Mt Washington State Forest, with the Riga Plateau, Appalachian Trail, and South Taconic Trail thrown in for good measure.  I had Tippi and Wuzzam along for the day, which set a record for high temperature unfortunately for us.  This was Tippi's 5th completed marathon.

Our time was 5:10:41, which shows we were really running pretty hard.  The lack of water on the trail was a real concern for me, with Tippi.  Luckily, the stream at the bottom of Bear had plenty, and from there on we were set.

Wuzzam looked absolutely beat climbing and coming down off Bear.  He needed the stream to cool off in as much as Tips did.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Metacomet Trail, Phelps Road south to the sign-in log.  Thousands of visits along this section, and I am always thankful it exist.