Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Took an opportunity to run out along the Metacomet, from Phelps Road to the sign-in log.  3.7-miles, sunny, and encouraging.  The huge birch about 7/10-mile out, prior to the short climb snapped off.  This is a tree I will miss, often on my way back in I would hug the thing.  It grew at an odd slope, and I could barely get my arms around it.

Also on this day in 1992, I completed my first marathon, Bay State, in Lowell, Massachusetts.  I ran 3:35:00 and my parents drove out to watch me finish.

Monday, October 17, 2016

We said goodbye to Tippi today.  She was a rescue we were blessed with since February of 2001, a truly outstanding addition to our family.  The past several months were very difficult, with many good days but some stinkers in there as well.  Lately, with age and its challenge continuing to creep up on her, it became obvious that she was hanging in for us rather than herself.

She was my trail partner for somewhere between 15,000 and 20,000 miles (we didn't keep track), traveling together in the car all over Connecticut, New York, Vermont and Western Massachusetts to run in the woods we both loved so much.  Together we finished 17 marathons.  She could run all day, season didn't really matter.  

I will continue to write about Tippi.  She is a part of me that I hold very close.  For those who have enjoyed the love of a pet, you know the feeling.  For those of you who have not formed a bond with a dog or cat, I encourage you to.  The sorrow and loss I feel today is heavy, but it is only because of all the joy and enjoyment shared.

We love you Tippi, rest easy girl.

Tippi, August 2000 - October 17th, 2016.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Made a final pass through Basin Bruce Park in Suffield with Tips.  When I was recovering from my surgery last year, we spent a couple months hiking through here often.  

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Visited Jesse Smith Town Forest again, for a walk with Tippi.  The solitude within this forest has always been comforting to me.

Friday, October 14, 2016

On this day in 1995 I completed the 2nd Hartford Marathon in 3:42:02.  This was my 7th completed marathon.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

On this day, October 13th, 2012, Wuzzam and I ran the Conway Covered Bridge Marathon in 6:33:15.  This was my 48th completed marathon.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Decided on a longish run through McClean Reservation, including a section through Holcomb Farm.  visited Diamond Ledge, and my memory of the connections was fine.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

On this day, October 9th, 2013, Tippi and I ran the DAR State Forest Marathon in 6:10:00.  It was my 50th completed marathon, and Tippi's 17th and final finish.  She ran some decent distance after this one, for a couple years, but nothing over 20-miles.

We began in Goshen, at the Daughter's of American Revolution State Forest, and ran out to Bullet Reservation, and back.  Had a nice stop along the way at Chapel Ledge and Chapel Falls.

Tippi looking off Chapel Ledge (or Pony Ledge).

Tippi looking off Chapel Ledge.

Tippi on Chapel Ledge.

Chapel Falls.

Chapel Falls.

Tippi cooling off in a pool at Chapel Falls.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Nice easy walk in Jesse Smith Town Forest, in Suffield.  Time is closing in for Tippi, and visiting many of our favorite spots is easing the burden for us.  Saying goodbye is difficult, even in this quiet forest of tall white pine.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Took a walk at Sunrise Park in West Suffield today.  It is a spot that Tippi and I have visited to base our runs out of often.  We have many outstanding memories here.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sometime in October of 2002 - 2003, Tippi completed her first "Marathon"; it would also be my 24th.  We had the "Bandit" along for the adventure.  Our time was recorded as 5:38:00 over 24.7-miles.  I recall the end of the run taking forever once we descended Frissell and headed back to Mt. Washington State Forest Headquarters.

Maybe on top of Alander?

Intersection prior to Brace.

I believe this is the top of Brace Mountain.

The Bandit climbing Round Mountain.

The Bandit at the peak of Round Mountain.

The Bandit climbing Mt Frissell.

The Bandit climbing Frissell.

At the Tri-State Marker (NY, MA, CT).

Saturday, October 1, 2016

On this day in 1994, I participated in the 1st Hartford Marathon, running a time of ~3:16:00.  I needed sub 3:10:00 to qualify for Boston, and completing the run "easily" at this pace gained me confidence for my official attempt the following May at Vermont City.  This was my 4th marathon.

Friday, September 30, 2016

4.1-miles along the Farmington River Flats, "over the hill" from Cowles Park.  K2 joined me after work, we just barely beat the rain!

On this day in 2012, I completed my 47th marathon, Nipmuck.  My time was 4:46:30, which was good for 28th place.  This was the 9th time I completed this event.

Monday, September 26, 2016

A quick run along one of my most run routes, Metacomet Trail from Phelps Road, Suffield heading north.  3-miles total for the out and back.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

In Memory...  Rest in Peace Dusty (August 28, 1986 - September 25, 2000).

5.4-miles on the Tunxis Trail.  Ran between Route 219 and Ratlum Road, including a nice view of Lake McDonough.