Thursday, January 12, 2017

Fifteen years ago today, in 2002, we held a South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe event at Savoy Mountain State Forest.  This would have been about the 5th South Pond event....

A favorite view of North Pond;  I camped here overnight one cold April  with my old spaniel Dusty.

We based many events out of these old structures....

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

On this day in 2003, we held the the 6th Annual South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe Race.  There were 90 finishers for this one, and it was one of the "deeper" snow conditions.  Photos from the start pretty much give an indication of the snow... what wonderful memories these things are.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Once upon a time, on a winter journey to High Bridge, our group came upon some moose-droppings.

Monday, January 9, 2017

The Legend of the Snow God

Once upon a time, in the lands of the Trail People, there lived a jovial spirit named Farmer Ed. 

Farmer Ed was known far and wide for his enthusiasm, positive attitude and contagious smile. He was the Keeper of the Flame, a scribe recording the lore and journeys of the Trail People.

The Trail People were different from other folks. They frolicked in the forest, jumped over rocks and roots, sang in the rain, ran through fields of mud and laughed at the wind.

But, every year, Old Man Winter, with his snow, ice and cold, forced the Trail People to crawl into their caves and long for the dance of spring.

Then, one year, Farmer Ed pronounced there must be a better way. He went on a long journey, far from his homelands, seeking guidance and wisdom for his people. When he reached the mountaintop, he called upon the four elements: earth, fire, air and water. In the stillness of each dawn, he listened to the whispers of the Great Spirit. And when the cold winds came, he learned to bend with the wind.

He came back to his People and assembled the Wise Ones:
  • Dion, the God of Lightning and Speed.
  • Worsham, the Shameless Shaman.
  • Princess Ellen, Gourmet Temptress.
  • Swanee, Greylock Warrior.
  • Nymph Kaniac, the Goddess of Youth Eternal.
  • And, The Great Silverback, Grandfather of the Trail People.
Farmer Ed shared his Vision Quest and told about the music of birds and mountain streams and how the animals guided him through the winter wilderness. He asked the Trail People to breathe in the freshness of the Earth Mother and walk on the snow.

So now, when the December moon shines brightly overhead, and the north winds blow cold, the Trail People come out dancing in their snow shoes of gold.

And that is how the Trail People learned to embrace the high lonesome sound of winter and found their souls reflected in a snowflake. And thus, Farmer Ed became known as the Snow God.

Go quietly into the forest, plant some snowshoe prints on the trail, and soon, you will be smiling like Farmer Ed.

Ed, Thank you for the wonderful, magical mystery tours in the snow!

Barbarella S.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Took the snowshoes to McLean Reservation, thinking that the "forest roads" would be ok to snowshoe on.  It was worth wearing the snowshoes due to ice underneath it all, but the snow was only about an inch deep....  3.9-miles.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Slippery snowstorm hitting the area, managed to drive to Sunrise Park and rumble through a 5.7-mile adventure.  Some of the route I took seems to be posted private property now-a-days. Only 20 degrees and snow and ice falling, but it sure did feel good to be outdoors regardless.

On this day in 1996, I participated in the annual "Fat Ass 50" in North Adams, Massachusetts.  It consisted of many loops on the road, on a cold, gray day, and I believe there was a pretty bad snowstorm on the drive home.  I have a time listed of  5:32:35, and I think that was for 26.2 miles - not 50k.  This was my 8th marathon completed.

Friday, January 6, 2017

3-miles on Main Street, Suffield.

Fifteen years ago today, we were marking the South Pond Shuffle, among other things, in Florida and Savoy.  Ended  the day with a trip to a hidden graveyard in Cheshire close to my folk's home.

Tyler Swamp

On South Pond

Loving the Winter

Looking across North Pond

Born to Die Graveyard (Cheshire)

Thursday, January 5, 2017

I came across the old notes for the original Greylock Marathon Route in 1998.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

This day in 1997... 

Looking back in time, I completed my 13th marathon on this day in 1997.  It was the Grupa Dupa held at the Talcott Mountain State Park, home of the Hueblin Tower.  I believe Tony Weisgram and Janice Kuhl were the organizers of this "Fat Ass 50" type event.  I recall it consisted of loops up and around the tower, but I do not recall how many.  It was 50k, and I recorded a time of 5:11:13.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Another goal I have for 2017 is to make my own music, sometimes with Jon Evil on Drums.

Here is effort #1, Rumble Death Scene.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Took a "late in the day" ride to Goshen, Massachusetts and DAR State Forest for a snowshoe adventure.  Explored some of the snowmobile trails leaving the park, as there have been some changes over the past 5 or so years.  Managed 6.4-miles on the 'shoes.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

First run of the new year, on the Metacomet from Route 20 in East Granby. 5.6-miles with some ice and mud. 

With the new year, I want to set a couple "goals" for 2017. 
  • I am hopeful that I can complte 1000+ miles of running this year.
  • I am also hopeful that I can record a post each day in this blog, for the entire year.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Ran on the Farmington Valley Greenway Bike Path, from East Granby to Suffield.  It was a raw cold afternoon, and not a whole lot of fun.  I am not a huge fan of running on bike paths at this point in my life, but the route is beautiful and scenic.

Yearly Total for Running:  731.8 Miles. 

Friday, December 30, 2016

From Sunrise Park in Suffield.... 2009.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Fifteen years ago today, December 28th, 2001, I visited the Hawley Kiln.