Monday, December 28, 2020

Music 2020...

Effort #53,  "Brief Sunrise III"...  final piece from the second recording I have from the "Preceding through a Pandemic" sessions of 2020.  

As a grouping, this one is known as "Instro-Nomical", with titles as follows:

Brief Sunrise
Brief Sunrise II
Brief Sunrise III

Sunday, December 27, 2020

3.5-miles on the Main, Kent and Wisteria Loop.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

After the heavy rain, warm temperatures, and melting snow over the last couple days I figured I'd hit a trail, somewhere.  I settled on the Mary Edwards Mountain Property in Granby. 

I visit this wonderful area every couple years, always on the lookout for extended trails by the trail-builders / Granby Conservation Group.

I wandered off the "official" trails a bit today, on somewhat noticeable paths, followed obscure paint blazes on trees, and plain old bush-whacked a bit.  I ended with an enjoyable 4.2-miles, with basically no snow and very, very little ice at all in the woods.

Friday, December 25, 2020

A very quiet Christmas day spent with DL.

I tried to avoid the rain, didn't really succeed, but at least got out for a 3.1-mile run along South Main Street and Suffield Street to the railroad underpass (I wanted to see how badly Stony Brook had overflowed it's banks).

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Main Street in the early morning, 3-miles. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #44 for 2020...

"The Doomsters", by Ross MacDonald.  Published in 1958.

Vintage Crime / Black Lizard Cover Image

Alternate Early Edition

Alternate Early Edition

Alternate Early Edition

Monday, December 21, 2020

Music 2020...

Effort #52,  "Brief Sunrise II"...  middle piece from the second recording I have from the "Preceding through a Pandemic" sessions of 2020.  

As a grouping, this one is known as "Instro-Nomical", with titles as follows:

Brief Sunrise
Brief Sunrise II
Brief Sunrise III

Sunday, December 20, 2020

3.5-mile run on the Remington Loop, just as a light snow began. 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

There is still a large depth of snow present, I figure on waiting for some of the trail "parking" areas to get some use before beginning to snowshoe.  I settled on a 5.2-mile loop of Main, Suffield, Mather and Kent Streets.

A bit of celebration is in order as I passed my goal of 1275-miles for 2020 today, earlier than expected.

Friday, December 18, 2020

3.5-miles on the Main, Kent and Wisteria Loop after trip for freezer-beef. 

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #43 for 2020...

"The Street of No Return", from David Goodis, published 1952.

Vintage Crime / Black Lizard Cover Image

Alternate Early Edition

Alternate Early Edition

Alternate Early Edition

Alternate Edition

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

 3-miles on Main Street just prior to dark setting in.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

After yesterday's drive with DL to meet up with my folks for our seasonal butcher shop pickup (pork this time around), I felt it would be great to stretch my legs a bit.

But first, I had to receive my second installment of the Shingles Vaccine.

For the run, I parked in Penwood, and ran around MDC Hartford Reservoir #6.  Total of 7-miles.

Monday, December 14, 2020

Music 2020...

Effort #51,  "Brief Sunrise"...  opening tune from the second recording I have from the "Preceding through a Pandemic" sessions of 2020.  

As a grouping, this one is known as "Instro-Nomical", with titles as follows:

Brief Sunrise
Brief Sunrise II
Brief Sunrise III