Thursday, May 27, 2021

3-miles after work, S Water, Wagner, Main. 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

3-miles on north and south Main Street prior to work. 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My old friend the Rev King has become a legally, fully fledged Minister!


Monday, May 24, 2021

Music 2021...

Effort #14,  "My My Hey Hey"...  Reverend King with an alternate recording of Neil Young's classic.

Take #2 of two.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

3.4-mile run around the Bridge-Main-Kent-Wisteria-Dylan-Bridge loop.

And, on this day...
Tunxis Trail Marathon I - May 23rd, 2006
Hartland, Barkhamsted , Connecticut
I completed a Tunxis Marathon in 5:41:50.  I had Johnny Bandit along for company, as well as Tippi.  It would be my 34th marathon completed, and Tippi's 8th.

John Bandit rambling through the meadow.

We rambled from Route 20 to Route 219 in East Hartland, Connecticut, and back for the first 19.5 miles.  We finished up with the Route 20 to Pell Road near the Massachusetts border for the final 6.5-miles.
Small Waterfall on the northern section of Tunxis Trail.

Old Notes:  Another great day;  started out 45 degrees at the 9:15 A.M. start time.  It reached a high of maybe 60 degrees during the day, with majority in the mid 50’s.  Sunny and blue sky entire time, occasional strong breeze every once and a while.  Started the run at 9:15 A.M.

Tippi taking a look down from the climb a mile from Pell Road.

John and I both felt that it was the easiest marathon either of us had ever done.  We finished strong, running all but the very start of Trillium Hill from mile 24.5 onward.  I believe we could have easily gotten thru another hour on this day.  Plenty of water for Tippi, no problems with her other than the porcupine around mile 18.  We escaped from that ok. 

 The Pell Road TurnAround.

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Appalachian Trail from Old Adams Road (parked at Jones Nose) to Rockwell Road for a total of 7.5-miles, with roughly 3 of it on the actual AT.  

This places me with 49.2-miles from the Connecticut / Massachusetts border at Sages Ravine to County Road in (I think) Becket, and another 7.7-miles from downtown Cheshire to Rockwell Road in Williamstown, totaling 56.9 of 90.4 Appalachian Trail Miles in Massachusetts!

Visited my folks after, rewarding them again with Mrs. Murphy's donuts.

View toward Stony Ledge (west from Rockwell Road)

Rock with Overhand, prior to Noepel Shelter

Friday, May 21, 2021

Back to Drake Mountain, found some single-track and a balanced rock.  6.3-miles today.

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

And, on this day...
  Mount Greylock Centennial Marathon
May 21st, 2005 - Adams, Massachusetts

Fairly large group (about a dozen or so) completed a "do-it-yourself" Greylock Marathon, aka Old Goat 50th Birthday Bash & Annual Celibacy Run.

Our time was 6:47:02.  This is a very difficult course, with 5 lengthy climbs.  Five out of the twelve starters completed the full 26.2-miles.

This was my 28th marathon completed, and Tippi's second.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Out to Granville, to Drake Mountain Area to explore.  Finished up with some understanding of this property, and 5.7-miles.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

5-miles at a good pace on the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail from Phelps Road in Suffield into Southwick.  Once complete, I found that I had left my car lights on, leaving me with a battery too weak to start the vehicle.  Good old Triple AAA! to the rescue!

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Another trip to the Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts, this time from Route 20 to County Road, including the Towns of Becket, Lee, and Washington.

I climbed Becket and Walling Mountains, and circled some of Finnerty Pond.  Crossed at least three decent flowing brooks along the section in October Mountain State Forest.  Ended with 10.7-miles.

Becket Mountain Peak (remnants of fire tower base remain)

Balanced Rock on Becket Mountain

Balanced Rock on Becket Mountain

Finnerty Pond

One of several streams crossed in October Mountain State Forest

Swamp in October Mountain State Forest

Very Old Black Birch

Monday, May 17, 2021

Spent the morning at the Walk-In Clinic for my wrist, hand, thumb injury from the dog attack last Tuesday.  X-Rays show no fracture - placed in a splint for two-weeks for the tendons to heal.

Later on, just before dinner time, I was back to the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail, in Suffield and East Granby this time, totaling 3.4-miles.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Took a run in East Granby and Simsbury on the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail, totaling 6.7-miles.

It will be interesting to see how much of this bike-path I can manage on foot this year.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Back to the Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts.  Began at my last stopping point, Goose Pond Road in Otis (I think) and covered ground to Route 20 (including the AT Bridge over the Mass Pike).

Ended with 9.3-miles on a fantastic day.

Shore of Goose Pond

Mohhekennuck Club Memorial

AT Foot-Bridge over I-90

Greenwater Pond

Bridge over Brook

Bridge over Brook with stonework

Entering the Berkshires sign on I-90

AT Foot-Bridge

Friday, May 14, 2021

After 13.5 hours at work (2:00 a.m. through 3:30 p.m.) I managed a 3.4-mile run around the Bridge-Main-Kent-Wisteria-Dylan-Bridge loop, with the short trail/field section between Wisteria and Dylan now totally churned up for development.

Marathon History Archive...
Granville - Kingdom Marathon - May 14th, 2020
Granville State Forest & Tunxis State Forest

With very little thought I decided to tackle the Granville State Forest to Satan's Kingdom Marathon today.  DL was willing to shuttle my car to the finish at Satan's Kingdom, and then drive me to the start at Granville State Forest along the Hubbard River.

I felt really good for the first twenty-miles, and pretty good from that point to the finish.  I power-hiked the ups from the Route 219 crossing at 19-miles, and jogged all the flats and  downhill.

Beautiful day, temperatures ranged from the fifties to start (about 9:10 a.m.) and just about seventy toward the end at 3:00 p.m.

The run measured out on the gps at 25.78-miles, and I completed the effort in 5:54 moving time, and 6:04 total time (a few stops to refuel water drops and photos).  This was my 59th completed marathon all-time.

The total climb according to Google Earth was 4702', with a net descent of 5389'.  The majority of the elevation loss was in the first 2 and last 2 miles.

Elevation Profile

Hubbard River

Black Bear Crossing - Valley Brook

Tunxis State Forest

Roberts Brook

Indian Council Caves Summit

Lake McDonough

Lake McDonough

Sign in Log at the 1st Ratlum Peak

Old Camp Pond, a favorite of Sam & Tippi

Thursday, May 13, 2021

I had attempted a run from work on Tuesday, but after 2/10' mile was attached by a German Shepard.  Avoided a bite, but injured my left hand/wrist/thumb during the pivoting.

Today, visited the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail and rambled from Route 20 to Floydville Road, totaling 3.2-miles.