Sunday, January 6, 2002

Marking the South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe course with my Pop and Tips, followed by a stop at Whitcomb Summit for some thoughts, and then a hike into the hidden "Burt" Cemetery.

Tyler Swamp

Tips on Tyler Swamp

Tippi trying to behave

Pop hanging ribbon

Pop at the Tyler Swamp intersection 

Ice on South Pond appears "Safe"

Ice on South Pond appears "Safe"

Me and Tippi

As I often said...  "she's a good girl, sometimes"

At our rock above our swimming area at North Pond

 Rock Area were we "took a dip" most years at North Pond

After marking, we stopped at the Whitcomb Summit

Elk Monument at Whitcomb Summit

In Memory...

Whitcomb Summit Monument

Whitcomb Summit Monument with Spruce Mountain in distance

Whitcomb Summit Monument

Old cabins at Whitcomb Summit

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden  Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Hidden Cheshire Cemetery

Tippi with Greylock in background

Tips and Greylock