Saturday, March 12, 2005

8th Annual South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe Race
"... or was it the North & South Pond 5-Mile Snowshoe Race"
"or...  better yet...  the 8th South Pond Shuffle at North Pond"
March 12th, 2005 - Florida & Savoy,  Massachusetts

Race Directing duties at the eighth South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe Race at Savoy Mountain State Forest...  once again part of the WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series!

This was held just after and in the middle of 24" of snow coming down.  It is the infamous "train" race.  Waste-deep snow through the entire 5-miles.  We broke into 1-minute front-running intervals, with people taking turns breaking trail.

With a mile to go, I broke away with some distance with only AS following me close.  Just at the gate, for the final rush to the finish, I just pulled back and watched the chaos begin with the sprint to the finish.  I crossed the line in 8th (of 32), at what have been one of the best days to snowshoe race ever recorded in our parts.