Sunday, December 9, 2007

With such great snowshoeing conditions, I drove back out to Dubuque State Forest with Tippi to have an additional go at it.

I parked on Stetson Road, near and old abandon farm house.  It was basically turned into a cul-de-sac, as that is as far as the road was plowed.

Tippi and I hit the drifts into the old apple orchard, passed Starks Cemetery, turned east up Horton Road, turned north onto the Old Fox Trail and rambled down to Hawley Road and Savoy Road with the Chickley River frozen below.  Then it was the harsh hairpin turn southerly up along the R Willis Trail back to our junction with Horton in the clearing.

Ended the day with roughly 6.5-miles in 1:44:00.  Exhausted!