Thursday, February 19, 2009

I took Tippi out to the Greylock Glen late morning, to mark the "2-4-1" 2009 Version of our Covered Bridge Snowshoe Half-Marathon.  In 2007 we did a similar event, with the Hoxie-Thunderbolt section being 3.5-miles, and the Covered Bridge section hitting 4.5-miles for an eight-mile total.

This was going to be a long day of putting out ribbon, stapling paper arrows and mile-markers to trees, and breaking trail.  I was fortunate to have the dog with me.

I climbed up the Thunderbolt along Hoxie Brook, marking as I went, until finally making it to the turn-a-round point at the shelter.  It was wonderfully sunny, with deep blue sky.  A magical day to be on the mountain, or anywhere outside, really.

While making my way steeply downhill, I spotted a single form slowly making their way up the slope.  Thinking, now who would be out here today, and topping it off messing up my beautiful tracks for tomorrow's event?

As I got close, Tippi went charging off toward the interloper, and before I began apologizing for her aggression, I noticed she was happy and prancing around the human form.  She knew who it was, and I finally did too, PH.

We exchanged incredible greetings, me telling him I sure was happy to have company because it looked like I would be out there into dark.  Paul told me he went into work at 4 a.m. so he could get out to meet me and assist, keeping me company, etc.

We had a fantastic day, albeit a very long one.  The route gps measured over 12.5-miles.  The snow on the Thunderbolt and the Red Gate hadn't been stepped on in a long while, so it met knee depth.

Finished just as dark settled in, with the two best friends anyone could have, Paul and Tippi.  We were ready for the event.