Sunday, September 28, 2014

Eighth and final day as a CFPA Volunteer Ridgerunner at Penwood State Forest.

This is the end of the season for the program, and I spent my three-hour shift hiking the northern portion of the park early and the last hour in the parking area saying "goodbye" to visitors.  

I have really enjoyed my time as a Ridgerunner in Penwood.  I have engaged in conversations with 304 visitors and the largest benefit to me has been the happiness and smiles that are shared between  the visitors and the Ridgerunner.

I am hopeful that I've added to many positive experiences, with directional assistance, compliments, and an overall happy attitude.

In return, I received many "Thank You for being here" with a sincere look of gratitude from many.  I feel very certain that being available in the park as a CFPA Ridgerunner was really positive and helpful for CFPA as well as the visitors.  The volunteer shirt, and CFPA hat I purchased to wear as well seemed to make a difference, as the overall attitude of those I met was overwhelmingly positive towards CFPA and the Ridgerunner Program.

My totals for eight days of Ridgerunning in Penwood (July 13, July 20, August 3, August 10, August 24, September 1, September 6 and September 28, 2014) are as follows:

  • Total number of observed visitors during my eight shifts is 368 individuals.
  • I engaged conversation with 304 of them.