Saturday, December 27, 2014

I hiked out from the Eastern Portal of the Hoosac Tunnel with Tippi, to see the Twin Cascades.  The path was clear, and about a half-mile each way, more or less.

The two falls are impressive.  Well worth a trip during any type of decent water flow.

Once back to the parking area, two young friendly fellows approached me, and began asking about hiking and the area.  They seemed very excited, and finally the truth came out...

They had some small motorcycles in the back of their vehicle, and were planning on riding the 4.5-miles through the Hoosac Tunnel, on the railroad tracks, from Florida Mountain to North Adams.

After mentioning to them that I thought they were "nuts", and that I wished they would reconsider, I finally told them to be as safe as possible, since I wasn't going to change their minds.

I also had asked them to contact me after through email to verify that they were safe, which they did later that evening.

My photos will get posted soon, but for now, here is the 'bikers video: