Sunday, January 17, 2016

Connecting to Soapstone...

My friend Bob kept me company on a damp day at Whitaker Woods, working on our connection to Soapstone Mountain.  The "circled world" philosophy towards connecting tracts of land is something I have been working on since the '70's...  we plan to tackle a marathon route here this spring, and enjoy five to eight hours of running together. 

Bob and I have run a dozen (or more) marathon routes we've made up through our connecting forest or large tracts of open space, since 2005.  If we count official trail marathons as well, we have completed over 25.

The stone wall in the picture is at the height of land, on a connector trail near Parker Road.  The wall is a beauty. 

Run was 5.5 miles and about 78 minutes.  Total for week, 8.6 miles.  Yearly, about 25.3.