Sunday, March 6, 2016

Getting out on Shenipsit Trail, off Galbreath Road.  I was hoping to run over Bald Mountain and the Pinnacle, recreating part of an old run a bunch of us used to do every July (Thanks Kevin S).  It has been a very long time since then, and I hadn't visited Bald Mountain or the Pinnacle in well over a decade.

As I hit what was sort of the first peak of the day, on the Blue Blazed Shenipsit Trail, I realized that I wasn't on Bald Mountain, and I wasn't west enough.  Evidently, the old Shenipsit Trail has been re-rerouted!  I have to admit, the work done on this new section is phenomenal.  Bald Mountain and the Pinnacle would have to wait for another day.  Ended up with 8-miles on my legs.

The Whistling Tree. 

 Huge Grouping of Stones uphill from the trail.

Balanced Rock slightly off trail, looking easterly.

  Same Balanced Rock, looking westerly toward Bald & Pinnacle Ridge.

 An Old Well, I've located a few of these in this section of forest.  No Cellar Hole nearby.

Route from the Day.

Total for Week, 11.0.
Yearly Total,  98.0