Sunday, February 28, 2016

Soaptone, from the South (Hopkins Road).  Did some retracing and back and forth, to connect trails.  We covered roughly 6.2-miles, with many interesting rock settings to witness. 

One thing with Soapstone Area Trails is that there are many, many trails, very close together, often doing the same thing.  I love trails, and connecting them...  but in here there are connectors connecting connectors.  

On the other hand, if you don't like the current trails in Soapstone, just come back to visit in a couple months, and there will be more to choose from.  They pop up that often, built by multiple user groups.

Standing Stone, 5-6 feet tall, along Race Course Trail.

 Shelter Stone, ~8 feet tall.

 Sam & Bobzu within Shelter, for Scale.

 Perched Set Slab.

 Our Route on February 28th, 2016.

Mileage for Week, 16.9.
Yearly Total, 87.0.