Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Twenty Years ago today, on this day in 1997, the Old Goat and I visited Moody Spring and the Hawley Kiln.  

I remember being on Gould Meadow Trail nearing South Road, and coming upon a group of snowmobilers.  I didn't realize it, as I was speaking with them, but the Old Goat mentioned watching the group stare us up and down, as we were pretty deep in the forest during a blizzard, on foot, and not all that bundled up.

I recall the leader showing me a map, and telling me the trails are not making sense, as he wanted to get to the Hilltop Grill.  I looked the map over, and softly mentioned to him that they were in Hawley (Dubuque) State Forest, and his map was for Savoy Mountain State Forest.  I followed up with good verbal directions to get from where we were to the Hilltop.

The Old Goat and I outside the Hawley Kiln in 1997