Friday, December 28, 2018

Toward the end of July I noticed The Trustees of Reservations "Hike 125" challenge.  

Originally, this program was started as a way to celebrate The Trustees 125th Anniversary in 2016.  It simply challenged people to get out and hike on Trustees trails.  Evidently, it has gone on beyond that 125th year anniversary, and I thought it would be a great way to get me out to a few spots I had been interested in, or hadn't been to in a great while.

The challenge dates were from April 14th through December 31st, 2018.  I was coming in late (my first logged "hike" on Trustee property was July 27th), and while I would have liked to hit 125-miles, I didn't think it was possible.

Here we are at the end of the year, and I might as well wrap things up.  The leader-board has me in 35th place for total miles, with 83.2.  I'll check in after the New Year to see if I managed to stay in the top 50.  I am pleased that I managed the miles that I did, as none of the hikes are exactly "close to home", so some driving was necessary.  I also realize that I only had 5 of the 8.5 months of time available due to my late start.  2019 should give me a better chance of hitting the 125, and I do expect to take the challenge once again.

From the Trustees website, it is mentioned that "Everyone who hikes more than 25 miles will receive a patch to celebrate your Hike 125 pride!"  I am looking forward to this!

"The Trustees of Reservations preserve, for public use and enjoyment, properties of exceptional scenic, historic, and ecological value in Massachusetts."