Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Twenty-years ago today, the 2nd Annual Hawley Kiln Klassic took place under my direction.  This was the third and final race of the 1999 Southern New England Snowshoe Series.  We would soon become the WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series,

Dubuque State Forest was the setting, and we offered a 7-mile and a 4-mile option.  The courses shared an opening section before splitting, making the event "fun" for everyone.

Plenty of snow, 45 finishers in the long event, 5 in the short.  Two men broke under an hour for the 7-miler, which was pretty awesome.

2nd Annual Hawley Kiln Snowshoe Races
February 20th, 1999 - Dubuque State Forest, Hawley, MA

We would continue with snowshoe events in Dubuque for many, many outstanding years.