Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Well, 2019 is over, and I managed to hit my "goal" of 1200-miles of running.  It wasn't easy, as I cut it very close ending up with 1200.3 with two-days remaining, which I decided to take "off".

What I realize looking at the year in full, is that when I was getting out running, I did great.  But, I missed some large chunks of time throughout 2019....
  • most of 3.5 weeks when the basement flooded (January 24th - February 14th)
  • pretty much 2 weeks with the calf muscle issue #1 (April 10th - April 24th)
  • almost a full month with the calf muscle issue #1 (June 1st - early July)
So, hitting the goal mileage was a pretty significant achievement everything considered.

On this day in 1996, I participated in the annual "Fat Ass 50" in North Adams, Massachusetts.  It consisted of many loops on the road, on a cold, gray day, and I believe there was a pretty bad snowstorm on the drive home.  I have a time listed of  5:32:35, and I think that was for 26.2 miles - not 50k.  This was my 8th marathon completed.