Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Once out of work, I drove to Cowles Park but never got out of the car.  The parking lot was overflowing with dozens of people, and I don't think there was a spot to place the car anyhow.  So much for social distancing at this location.

I headed over to the Metacomet on Route 20 in Granby, and there were about twenty cars parked but no actual people around.  I felt secure enough at this location.

About 1/2 to 3/4 miles into the run my left calf finally gave way.  It has been bothering me off an on since January 17th.  I was getting treatment on it (physical therapy), but that ended with the Covid-19 presence.

Interestingly, it was the "outside" portion of the calf that went very painful and sore, and the inside "knot" I have had in the meat of the calf muscle seemed to disappear.

I stopped my run, walked a bit and then jogged back to the car with 1-mile credited for the day.