Sunday, April 24, 2022

2022 Unsupported Trail Race Fall Challenge #1

Penwood State Park 10k (6.4-miles)

I have run this loop many times over the past 30 years, but I am not sure I have a great many times recorded.  This is ok with me, as I am just getting back to "normal" running after close to 5-months away.

I have it in my head that under 90-minutes is respectable for this loop, and I can recall a few finishes in the 95-minute range.  Today went much better than expected, with a GPS timed 1:22 and change for 6.4-miles, so I will call it 1:23:00 (I don't read seconds on my gps).

Course from Wintonbury, out on the Blue Blazed Metacomet (New England Trail) to the main parking area, and back on the Yellow Trail.