Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Completed another 24-Lecture Series on "The Great Courses" aka Wondrium tonight.

Excellent way to spend over twelve-hours learning about...

 "Lost Worlds of South America"

The lectures were taught by Professor Edwin Barnhart, Director of the Maya Exploration Center.

Just like last time with  "Ancient Civilizations of North America"\ I was totally immersed in each lecture.  Each could be a jumping off point toward further in depth study.  Highly recommended.

L01     The Unknown Story of Ancient North America .

Lecture 01    South America’s Lost Cradle of Civilization.
Lecture 02    Discovering Peru’s Earliest Cities. 
Lecture 03    South America’s First People. 
Lecture 04    Ceramics, Textiles, and Organized States. 
Lecture 05    ChavĂ­n and the Rise of Religious Authority. 
Lecture 06    Cupisnique to Salinar—Elite Rulers and War. 
Lecture 07    Paracas—Mummies, Shamans, and Severed Heads. 
Lecture 08    The Nazca Lines and Underground Channels. 
Lecture 09    The Moche—Pyramids, Gold, and Warriors. 
Lecture 10    The Moche—Richest Tombs in the New World. 
Lecture 11    The Moche—Drugs, Sex, Music, and Puppies.
Lecture 12    Enigmatic Tiwanaku by Lake Titicaca.
Lecture 13    The Amazon—Civilization Lost in the Jungle.
Lecture 14    The Wari—Foundations of the Inca Empire? 
Lecture 15    The Chimu—Empire of the Northern Coast.
Lecture 16    The Sican—Goldsmiths of the Northern Coast.
Lecture 17    The Inca Origins—Mythology v. Archaeology.
Lecture 18    Cuzco and the Tawantinsuyu Empire.
Lecture 19    The Inca—From Raiders to Empire.
Lecture 20    The Inca—Gifts of the Empire.
Lecture 21    The Khipu—Language Hidden in Knots.
Lecture 22    Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley.
Lecture 23    Spanish Contact—Pizarro Conquers the Inca.
Lecture 24    Remnants of the Past—Andean Culture Today.