Thursday, March 9, 2023

Completed another Lecture Series on "The Great Courses" aka Wondrium tonight.

This was a  12-Lecture Series, over six-hours of learning about...

 "Our Night Sky"

The lectures were taught by Dr. Edward M. Murphy, an Associate Professor, General Faculty at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.  

He earned his bachelor's degree in Astronomy from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and his Ph.D. in Astronomy from the University of Virginia in 1996. 

Our Night Sky

LECTURE 1  The Constellations and Their Stars 
LECTURE 2  Seeing and Navigating the Sky
LECTURE 3  Using Binoculars and Backyard Telescopes
LECTURE 4  Observing the Moon and the Sun
LECTURE 5  Observing the Planets with a Telescope 
LECTURE 6  Meteor Showers, Comets, Eclipses, and More 
LECTURE 7  The Northern Sky and the North Celestial Pole
LECTURE 8  The Fall Sky
LECTURE 9  The Winter Sky
LECTURE 10  The Spring Sky
LECTURE 11  The Summer Sky 
LECTURE 12  The Southern Sky and the Milky Way

  • The 88 Constellations with Selected Bright Stars
  • The 30 Brightest Stars 
  • Data for the Planets and Dwarf Planets in Our Solar System 
  • Using a Planisphere 
  • The Best Annual Meteor Showers