Having been born in 1962, and liking and listening to music from the early sixties onward, I thought it might be fun to attempt a listing of my favorite albums each year since birth.
The initial post for this series of ideas began on December 26th, 2023. You can look it up....
This time, I present fifty Obscurities that were released in 1968.
Despite most of these records being non-commercial, I have grown to appreciate these a great deal.
Albums 1968 / Obscurities.
Silver Apples Silver Apples
Tomorrow Tomorrow
The Chocolate Watch Band The Inner Mystique
The Deviants Disposable
Caravan Caravan
Kaleidoscope A Beacon from Mars
The Deviants Ptooff!
The Music Machine The Bonniwell Music Machine
Strawberry Alarm Clock Wake Up...It's Tomorrow
Strawberry Alarm Clock The World in a Sea Shell
The Electric Prunes Release of an Oath
The Electric Prunes Mass in F Minor
The Millennium Begin
H. P. Lovecraft H. P. Lovecraft II
Billy Nicholls Would You Believe
Bo Grumpus Before The War
BubblePuppy A Gathering of Promises
The Blues Project - Planned Obsolescence
C A Quintet - A Trip Thru Hell
Dragonfly Dragonfly
Duncan Browne Give Me Take You
Ed Askew Ask the Unicorn
Faine Jade Introspection
Fever Tree Fever Tree
Fifty Foot Hose Cauldron
Finchley Boys Everlasting Tributes
The Fallen Angels It’s a Long Ways Down
The Far Cry The Far Cry
Golden Dawn Power Plant
Harumi Harumi
Harvey Mandel Cristo Redentor
Holy Model Rounders The Moray Eels Eat The Holy Modal Rounders
July July
Red Krayola God Bless the Red Krayola
Lemon Pipers Green Tambourne
Lemon Pipers Jungle Marmalade
Lollipop Shoppe Just Colour
Nightshadow The Square Root of Two
Neighb'rhood Childr'n Neighb'rhood Childr'n
Chamaelean Church Chamaeleon Church
Marc Brieley Welcome To The Citadel
Randy Burns Evening of the Magician
Outsiders CQ
Bit O’ Sweet Hypnotic I
Silver Apples Silver Apples
Parson Sound Pärson Sound
Peter Brotzmann Machine Gun
Plastic Cloud The Plastic Cloud
West Coast Pop Volume 3: A Child's Guide to Good and Evil
Contractor Day #51.