Mount Greylock hike with Dusty, Appalachian Trail from Notch Road, North Adams.
9.5-miles in 4.5 hours.
Hike with DL and Dusty around Soapstone Mountain.
Hike with Dusty in Shenipsit State Forest.
Hike Shenipsit State Forest with Dusty for 5-miles.
Hike with Dusty in Shenipsit State Forest, Bald Mountain north to the Pinnacle.
Cooked soup in the middle of a mass of white birch.
Mileage Totals for the Year 1990:
Run - 1040 Miles
Bike - 3660 Miles
Mount Tom hike with Dusty, 4-miles in 4-hours, heavy snow.
Appalachian Trail hike with Dusty, Notch Road to Greylock Summit, 11-miles in 4:15:00.
(2:15 up, 2:00 down).
J. Maziarz painting exhibit at Estes Burial Ground in Savoy Mountain State Forest, with DL.
Hike Appalachian Trail with Dusty, from Overlook Avenue to Greylock's summit.
7-miles in 2:56:00, pouring rain.
Hike Mt Sunapee with DL and Dusty, 8-Miles and 6-hours total.
Included a visit and lunch at Lake Solitude.
Sunapee, New Hampshire with DL and Dusty, staying at Chalk Pond.
Great hike along the Metacomet Trail from Route 20 north towards Suffield, with DL & Dusty.
Camping at Swanzey Lake Camping Area with DL and Dusty.