Friday, March 24, 1995

Hill Street 7-miler, 59:11.

Thursday, March 23, 1995

Yasso  800's -





Wednesday, March 22, 1995

Hill Street 10-miler in 1:20:52.

Sunday, March 19, 1995

Yasso 800's with Dusty.





First Computer purchased today!

Saturday, March 18, 1995

Seven Sisters Training with Dusty.

12-miles in 2:53:47.

1)  20:26

2)  18:43

3)  23:08

4)  20:42

5)  23:11

6)  24:49

7)  22:14

8)  20:31

Sunday, March 12, 1995

Hill Street 7-miler in 46:19.

Thursday, March 9, 1995

Soapstone with Dusty -

Roughly 9-miles in 1:36:05.

Took the Soapstone Mtn Race Course south except for the creek-bed section and the second climb of Soapstone Mountain.

Wednesday, March 8, 1995

Yasso 800's in preparation for the Vermont City Marathon and hopeful Boston Qualifier.

1 - 3:03

2 - 3:01

3 - 3:01

4 - 3:05

DL and Dusty took a few laps as well.

Monday, March 6, 1995

Working nights this week at the facility - relining project.

Sunday, March 5, 1995

12-miles or so along Soapstone Mountain roads with Dusty.  25 - 30 degrees, finished in 1:51:13.

Sunday, February 26, 1995

DH Jones 10-Miler with RunSteveo.

Completed the event in 1:07:19, a pace of 6:44 per mile.

Sunday, February 19, 1995

1st Annual Moby Dick Marathons
February 19th, 1995 - Lanesborough, Massachusetts

The 1st Moby Dick Marathons were held.  This was my 5th marathon, with the 28-miles completed in 5:01:00.

It seemed like a good idea, but there are reasons why the event didn't last, especially as a 28 or 30 miler.  Bitter cold, difficult, no aid,  February on Greylock....  seems like there would be many additional "whys".

This run was really special for me, it cemented my friendship with Paul.  We ran the entire event together, and began to dream up our snowshoe series.  Paul and I ended up roaming the woods together for a very long time, we see the same things in nature.

This day had temperature's near 50-degrees!  We completed the first 15-miles in 2:20, and the second 13-miles in 2:41.  What a day -

My Dear Friend Paul

Thursday, February 16, 1995

3.2-miles snowshoe run with Dusty on the Metacomet, Phelps south.

Wednesday, February 15, 1995

Snowshoe running with Dusty on Phelps north for 3.5-miles.

Monday, February 13, 1995

Return to Shenipsit State Forest to snowshoe roughly 7-miles, with Dusty in 1:24:08.