Sunday, January 27, 2019

It's the start of a new year, and that means time to begin tracking my peaks once again!  Here is  what I've accomplished during January 2019.

January 2019 High Points:
  • Hampden Overlook, Hampden, MA
  • Goat Rock, Hampden, MA
  • Minnechoag Mountain, Hampden, MA
  • Hill 880' (Bald Mtn, Hampden), Hampden, MA
  • Pine Mountain, Hampden, MA
  • Rattlesnake Hill, Hampden, MA + Somers, CT
  • Perkins Mountain, Camp Ayapo, Somers, CT
  • The Pinnacle, Shenipsit State Forest, Somers, CT
  • Bald Mountain (Somers), Shenipsit State Forest, Somers, CT
  • Hatchet Hill, Metacomet Trail, East Granby, CT
  • "Nick's Hill", Metacomet Ridge, West Suffield, CT
  • East Barndoor Hill, McLean Refuge, Granby-Simsbury, CT
  • West Barndoor Hill, McLean Refuge, Granby-Simsbury, CT
  • Peak / Copper Mountain, Metacomet Trail, East Granby, CT
  • West Suffield Mountain, Metacomet Trail, Suffield, CT
  • Lewis Hill, Lewis Hill Bird Sanctuary, Suffield, CT
  • Stony Hill, McLean Refuge, Granby, CT

Fairly good start to the year, as last year at this time-frame, (January 2018), I only had 5-peaks attained during the month.

I also have managed to stick to the "long run" plan, completing an eight (8), ten (10), and twelve (12) miler for the first three weeks of the year, with this fourth week a recovery/easy week.

I also have been able to stay a bit ahead of my mileage goals per week, with an end-of-year total of 1200-miles of running planned.

So far so good for 2019...

Saturday, January 26, 2019

{from the Archives, 2000}

Many times on the way to visit my folks in Adams, I talk Donnalee into dropping me off at the Tomb Cemetery on Route 116 in Savoy.  It is only a couple more miles on the road to their house, but through the woods it is closer to six.  From the Cemetery you can connect to Brown Road (anyone who has done the Savoy 20 miler might have a light-bulb go off concerning that one) and then once at the "top" (about a 500' climb I think) it is a beautiful descent of 1800' down through "Little Egypt" to my folks house.  I am not making the "Little Egypt" stuff up; it is listed that way on the Cheshire Mass Topo Maps....  There are many reasons why the area I grew up in is called "Little Egypt"; my favorite is as follows:

1) The steepness of the terrain / hills on the Hoosac Range look like pyramids.  They are many and stacked up all over the place, with deep gullies between them rushing with brooks.

Anyhow, the run started off in knee-deep powder that took the energy from me quicker than Lipka freezing one of his extremities.  No snowmobiles had been through yet so it was a struggle, but wondrous.  An hour and five minutes found me finishing just a little less than 2.5 miles.  Channel 22 News had reported this area getting 11" of snow but I think they miscalculated some.  It usually takes me about 65 minutes to reach my folks house.  I started hoping that no search party was already out looking for me.

Once at the top, realizing that the hardest work is over, I start on a smile bursting as pronounced as a rainbow after a rainstorm.  The haul up to this point always makes me feel as though I have accomplished something.  It isn't necessarily a hard climb normally, but on this day it was plain difficult.  I allow myself to rejoice a little more than normal at reaching the high point on the route…

Beginning the descent chisels away a bit at my joy.  The snow is just too deep to run in well, even with the snowshoes.  Powdery snow this deep just sends you to another planet fatigue wise.  Thankfully, the Adams Sno-Drifters Snowmobile Club arrive along on their groomer cleaning the path for the upcoming rush of motorized traffic.  They look at me funny from the confines of the tractor like rig pulling the big sled... I was a real long way from any road.

Finally, the section run down past High Bridge and along the banks of the Tophet Brook really lifts my spirit; I have enjoyed this land since childhood.  Winding down the hill zigzagging switchbacks in the fine powdered packed snow again brings a smile to my tired face (along with the rest of me).  Before long, I am exiting the woods and hitting the open field, arrived and finished.  I walk the rest along the road, get to my folks house where my mother ask if I am hungry?  I am starving.  Seldom could it be better than this (especially for a Wednesday afternoon).  It has taken me two hours to finish this route today, I wish I had the energy to have had it last twice that.

January 26, 2000

Friday, January 25, 2019

Picking up the pieces from a flooded basement Thursday Morning, managed a 3-mile run along Main Street in the dark.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #3 for 2019.  Completed the 5th novel in Andrew Vachss "Burke" series, "Blossom", written in 1990.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Music 2019...

Effort #03, "Big White Cloud", a John Cale classic.

"... Days that came, years again."

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Early morning run along Main Street, prior to work.  3.2-miles, 4 degrees.

Monday, January 21, 2019

3.1-miles with snowshoes in 5-degree temperatures at McLean Refuge.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

I reached some high points during 2018, which is pleasing.  I didn't attain all the goals I had set, but looking back on my list I was being very optimistic.  

I did not meet my hoped for 1200-miles of running, but I did manage to get over 1000-miles for the year (second consecutive season doing so).  To be completely honest, health-wise, things were a bit on the difficult side for us.  Looking at things reasonably, or rationalizing, I am pretty fortunate to have completed what I did.

I did complete a couple of "organized" challenges, as follows:
  • The New England Scenic Trail "Hike 50" Challenge.
  • The Trustees of Reservations "Hike 125" Challenge.
  • Trinity Health "The New England 61 Day Challenge".
I managed to gain an additional Information Technology Certificate, this time Microsoft MTA Networking Fundamentals.  I've been managing one per year over the past three years, and I feel pretty good about continuing my education.
  • Microsoft MTA Networking Fundamentals (98-366).  2018.
  • Comptia IT Fundamentals Certification (FCO-U51).  2017.
  • CWNP CWTS Wi Fi Fundamentals Certification (PWO-071).  2016.
I am currently continuing my Information Technologies path, with the Microsoft Security and Comptia 901 & 902 Certifications on my horizon.

I am also currently enrolled in a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) course, which is usually completed in 36-weeks on average.

I branched out and took three lengthy trips this past year, with the following highlights:
  • Cahokia.
  • Cruise aboard the Disney Magic to New Brunswick.
  • Chicago to various Museums.
I have been working on understanding Ancient America; this pastime and study is just beginning, but I am encouraged by my results so far.  I have begun planning for my 2019 adventure, and have the Newark Earthworks as a planned visit in April.

I assisted and supported the Woodswalker during his power point presentations on rocks and dolmens during his local events:
  • Bloomfield Public Library - January
  • Granby Public Library - February
  • Suffield Senior Center - February
  • Farmington Public Library - May
  • South Windsor Public Library - October
I actually entered a running "race" for the first time in 5 or so years, at Goodwin State Forest, and felt as though I competed well.  It felt good to be there, and the Goodwin Trails are beautiful.

I'll add my 2019 Goals in at some point, as I am still organizing them.  I got way to carried away last season with "ideas" for exploring and running adventures.  The one "list" that I did well with was visiting Williamsburg Woodland Trails - I did manage to visit each of their locations, but I added a few surrounding spots to move the number from nine to twelve, and I came up one short (Lily Pond, Goshen).  The Williamsburg Woodland & Nearby sites are:
  • Bradley  (visited February 19th, 2018)   
  • Breckenridge (visited February 24th, 2018)
  • Tilton Farm, North & South, Goshen Open Space (visited May 12th, 2018)
  • Devils Den, locale point of interest (visited May 12th, 2018)
  • Henhawk (visited June 2nd, 2018)
  • Historic Dam (visited July 4th, 2018)
  • Graves Farm (visited July 19th, 2018)
  • Hall / O'Neil (visited July 19th, 2018)
  • Petticoat Hill & Locke's Loop (visited August 11th, 2018)
  • Big View (visited August 25th, 2018)
  • Briar Hill (visited December 30th, 2018)
  • Lily Pond, Goshen Open Space
Similarly, I did manage to find the 1926 Memorial Plaque in Conway State Forest / Williamsburg area, on June 2nd, 2018.  The plaque is set in a stone commemorating the High Street Walking Club and Edward C. Gere.

All in all, a pretty good year!  Bring on 2019!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Wuzzam and I planned to recreate our Hampden to Somers run over nine-peaks, accomplished last June 23rd.  This was K. Simons route for the old "Lost in Hampden" adventures, from 1999 and 2000 era.

The morning was absolutely awesome, in the low 30's with a nice, bright, warm sun.  For most of the run we didn't even need gloves.

It's an idea to refer to this run as "9-Peaks", as we climbed at least to that number, as follows:
  1. Hampden Overlook
  2. Goat Rock
  3. Minnechoag
  4. 880
  5. Pine
  6. Rattlesnake
  7. Perkins
  8. Pinnacle
  9. Bald
We made it through feeling pretty good.  Not only does this run cover a decent distance (today's route equaled 12.1-miles) and include numerous climbing, but there is also the added incentive of finding your way on very old, obscure, and unmarked trails.  That's the thing for me, connecting together routes so they make some sense in the larger picture (or at least get us where we want to be).

At the end, the Old Goat himself came charging down the trail to meet us just moments after we had finished...  he went out along the new Shenipsit Trail to try to meet us on our way in.  All in all, an awesome day and adventure.

Sign at Hampden Memorial Park, the Start

View off Hampden Overlook

View off Hampden Overlook

View off Hampden Overlook

Wuzzam at Goat Rock

Climbing Minnichoag

880 with Pine in the distance

Looking east off 880

Looking east off Pine

Climbing Pine

At Rattlesnake

Top of Perkins at Camp Ayapo

High Stonewall north of Pinnacle

The Pinnacle

The top of Bald Mountain

Stream nearing the finish

Friday, January 18, 2019

Cowles Park early afternoon for a trip up to the Metacomet Ridge.  The sun came out for the middle of the run, and the temperatures were in the upper 30's.  Nice day!

Totaled up with 3.5-miles.

Bridge and Stone work over stream

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Began a run at East Granby Farms around 3:30 p.m., knowing I'd have until 5:00 p.m. or so before dark.  Wandered up the climb and took the old obscure trail that runs along the base of the ridge.  Made it out to where the old Metacomet went through the stonewall at the Bloomfield Gun Club's property.  Ended back at the car just as dark was hitting, 5.4-miles total.

Bent Tree Limb, about 15' up

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Twenty-years ago today, January 16th, 1999, I directed the second South Pond Shuffle Snowshoe Race at Savoy Mountain State Forest...  part of the WMAC Dion Snowshoe Series!

2nd Annual South Pond Shuffle 4-Mile Snowshoe Race
January 16th, 1999 - Florida & Savoy,  Massachusetts

The event had 49 starters and finishers, circling North Pond, South Pond, and Tyler Swamp in two-feet of powder covered by an inch of icy crust.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Up early enough to manage a 3.6-mile run along the Metacomet Trail from Phelps Road north (and back) before work.

Nick's Hill

Monday, January 14, 2019

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #2 for 2019.  Completed Jim Thompson's "Savage Night", from 1953.  This may be one of Thompson's strangest tales...

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Another cold day below 20-degrees.  Out to McLean with K2, I planned on connecting both the Western and Eastern Barndoor Hills in a loop.

The run went well, I felt recovered from yesterday's longer effort.  Ended today with 4.4-miles.

 On top of the Western Barndoor Hill, looking east

On Western Barndoor Hill, old ceder

Ceder on West Barndoor Hill, East Barndoor in background

Stonewall in upper third of Western Barndoor Hill

Stacked Stones near peak of Eastern Barndoor Hill

View west from Eastern Barndoor Hill