Saturday, January 19, 2019

Wuzzam and I planned to recreate our Hampden to Somers run over nine-peaks, accomplished last June 23rd.  This was K. Simons route for the old "Lost in Hampden" adventures, from 1999 and 2000 era.

The morning was absolutely awesome, in the low 30's with a nice, bright, warm sun.  For most of the run we didn't even need gloves.

It's an idea to refer to this run as "9-Peaks", as we climbed at least to that number, as follows:
  1. Hampden Overlook
  2. Goat Rock
  3. Minnechoag
  4. 880
  5. Pine
  6. Rattlesnake
  7. Perkins
  8. Pinnacle
  9. Bald
We made it through feeling pretty good.  Not only does this run cover a decent distance (today's route equaled 12.1-miles) and include numerous climbing, but there is also the added incentive of finding your way on very old, obscure, and unmarked trails.  That's the thing for me, connecting together routes so they make some sense in the larger picture (or at least get us where we want to be).

At the end, the Old Goat himself came charging down the trail to meet us just moments after we had finished...  he went out along the new Shenipsit Trail to try to meet us on our way in.  All in all, an awesome day and adventure.

Sign at Hampden Memorial Park, the Start

View off Hampden Overlook

View off Hampden Overlook

View off Hampden Overlook

Wuzzam at Goat Rock

Climbing Minnichoag

880 with Pine in the distance

Looking east off 880

Looking east off Pine

Climbing Pine

At Rattlesnake

Top of Perkins at Camp Ayapo

High Stonewall north of Pinnacle

The Pinnacle

The top of Bald Mountain

Stream nearing the finish