Friday, April 10, 2020

After last weekend's brief exposure to the Bear Hole Reservoir in West Springfield, and the understanding that the small, yellow BH10K "buttons" were for an official 10Km Trail Race during the fall, I figured I'd go run the 6.2-mile loop.

The morning was cool, low forties, and the parking area wasn't very populated when I arrived (only 4 cars).  I headed out and really enjoyed the day.

I lost the "buttons" twice, so by the time I retraced to verify I understood the correct trail segments, I had completed 7.9-miles.  The calf muscle felt pretty darn good, but I did take it somewhat slow and easy.

One of my favorite bands back in the 80's
Bear Hole Reservoir

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #16 for 2020...  Harlem Cycle #4 "The Big Gold Dream", written in 1960 by Chester Himes.

Cover Image

Alternative Cover Image

Alternative Cover Image

Alternative Cover Image 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Music 2020...

Effort #14,  "Zombie"...  Dark Heart Duo's "End of Chemo" e.p. sessions, from August 2nd, 2019.  "S" once again on vocals.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Once out of work, I drove to Cowles Park but never got out of the car.  The parking lot was overflowing with dozens of people, and I don't think there was a spot to place the car anyhow.  So much for social distancing at this location.

I headed over to the Metacomet on Route 20 in Granby, and there were about twenty cars parked but no actual people around.  I felt secure enough at this location.

About 1/2 to 3/4 miles into the run my left calf finally gave way.  It has been bothering me off an on since January 17th.  I was getting treatment on it (physical therapy), but that ended with the Covid-19 presence.

Interestingly, it was the "outside" portion of the calf that went very painful and sore, and the inside "knot" I have had in the meat of the calf muscle seemed to disappear.

I stopped my run, walked a bit and then jogged back to the car with 1-mile credited for the day.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Nice night to get out late afternoon and run 3.5-miles on the Metacomet Trail from Phelps north.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Afternoon run in Tunxis State Forest, finished with 11.5-miles.  Explored some old paths I haven't been on in many years.

Tributary of Hurricane Brook off Hurricane Brook Road

Morey Brook at the high level Bridge Crossing

Trillum Hill, Elevation 1281'

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Out to run just after noon, visited the New England Trail (Metacomet), Section 03, US 20 to I-90 (Mass Pike). 

Couldn't really find the designated parking, so I used a spot near the large church lot.  Several hundred spots, and I was the only one in there.

Took a look at the Westfield River, where the trail comes up from the south, but I couldn't see where the trail was on the other bank.

The first third of a mile is on paved road, until the trail exits the long driveway to the Sportsmen's Club.  Not a bad half-mile from here, but after getting into the woods again after crossing back over the Sportsmen's Road, the trail seems fairly new (not bench cut, briars, wet, constant small ups and downs).

After coming out around the 2-mile mark at a gravel road intersection (Bear Hole Reservoir I think), the trail was outstanding for the next 1.5-miles.  The final 3/10's are along the side of I-90, so not much can be done with it.

Turned around at 3.8-miles, at the tunnel I had viewed back on May 14th, 2019.  For the return, when I hit the gravel road, I took an alternative along the quarry until coming out right at the Sportsmen's Club - then ran along the gravel road back to civilization.  Ended with a comfortable 7-miles on the button.

Section Sign

I-90 Tunnel & Graffiti

I-90 Tunnel & Graffiti

I-90 Tunnel & Graffiti

I-90 Tunnel & Graffiti

Quarry with Provin Mtn in distance

Friday, April 3, 2020

Phelps Road south after work, 3.7-miles.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

3.5-mile run along the Metacomet Trail from Phelps Road north.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #15 for 2020...  Wild at Heart #5 "Consuelo's Kiss", written in 1991 by Barry Gifford.

Cover Image

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

"High Points" along the trails I've visited in March 2020.
  • Pine Mountain, Tunxis Trail, Barkhamsted, CT
  • Indian Council Caves, Tunxis Trail, Barkhamsted, CT
  • East Barndoor Hills, McLean Reservation, Granby, CT
  • Hill 872', Whitiker Woods, Somers, CT
  • Gulf Brook Hill, Shenipsit State Forest, Somers, CT

Monday, March 30, 2020

Music 2020...

Effort #13,  "Knocking on Heaven's Door"...  recorded as part of the Dark Heart Duo's "End of Chemo" e.p. sessions, from August 2nd, 2019.  "S" once again on vocals.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

3-mile run along Main Street in a light rain, early evening.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Run into work, 5.5-miles, and work on FEMA Mitigation Grant.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Great day weather-wise, longish day at work.  Ran home, 5.5-miles.