Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #28 for 2020...

"The Long Goodbye" published in 1953, from Raymond Chandler, continuing the Marlowe tales.

Black Lizard Vintage Crime Cover

Alt Cover

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Alt Cover

Monday, July 13, 2020

Music 2020...

Effort #29,  "In Christ there is No East or West"...  fifth cut from the Dark Heart Duo's Cleansing Spirits Session, recorded September 6th, 2019

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Up early for the drive to Kent/Sharon, and it was warm and humid even with the early 8 a.m. start.  The goal was to run the Appalachian Trail from Route 4 (my furthest southern point completed thus far) through the Housatonic River Walk section until the trail jumps off the "old road" and into the woods climbing St. John's Ledges and Caleb's Peak.

It was a wonderful section of trail, with the bits climbing Silver Hill great beast in both directions.  The Housatonic River section, roughly 5-miles each direction, were incredibly scenic and easy running.  I completed the day once again drenched in sweat, with 13.3-miles on my legs.

Balanced / Perched Rock on north-side of Silver Hill

Balanced / Perched Rock on north-side of Silver Hill

Balanced / Perched Rock on north-side of Silver Hill

Balanced / Perched Rock on north-side of Silver Hill

Stonewall with trail-break on south-side Silver Hill

Meadow looking north

Stream crossing on A.T.

Housatonic River adjacent to Appalachian Trail

View west off Silver Hill

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Mid-day run along South Main, Remington and Spenser - 4.6-miles in the heat and humidity.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Phelps Road beginning north on the Metacomet for 3-miles after the work-day was done.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Up early enough to manage 3-miles along Main Street in the early morning before work.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Early morning job along Main Street, total of 3-miles.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

"High Points" along the trails I've visited during June 2020.
  • Stony Hill, McLean Game Refuge, Granby, CT
  • Mt Prospect, Appalachian Trail, Canaan & Salisbury, CT
  • Belter's Bump, Appalachian Trail, Sharon & Salisbury, CT
  • Hang-Glider View, Appalachian Trail, Sharon & Salisbury, CT
  • Mt Easter, Appalachian Trail, Sharon, CT
  • Sharon Mountain, Appalachian Trail, Sharon, CT
  • Norwottuck Mountain, Metacomet Trail, Amherst & Granby, MA
  • Rattlesnack Knob, Metacomet Trail, Amherst & Granby, MA
  • Long Mountain, Metacomet Trail, Amherst & Granby, MA
  • Cowles Hill, Metacomet Trail, East Granby, CT
  • Nick's Hill, Metacomet Trail, West Suffield, CT
  • Pine Knob, Pine Knob Loop (off Appalachian Trail), Sharon, CT
  • Bread Loaf Mountain, Appalachian Trail, Sharon, CT
  • West Suffield Mountain, Metacomet Trail, West Suffield, CT
  • Copper/Peak Mountain, Metacomet Trail, Granby, CT

Monday, July 6, 2020

Music 2020...

Effort #28,  "To All Who are Alone in This World"...  fourth cut from the Dark Heart Duo's Cleansing Spirits Session, recorded September 6th, 2019

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Rounded up the week with 7.8-miles on the Metacomet, from Phelps Road to Peak/Copper Mountain and back.

Clear day with some remaining haze in the distance

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Visited Penwood, knowing that I had missed the Mountain Laurel flowering, but hoping somehow that I wasn't too late.  As I suspected, I was too late.

Rambled through the rocky ups-and-downs of Penwood, completing the 6.5-mile clock-wise course which heads out from Wintonbury on the NET (New England Trail, or for traditionalist, theBlue-Blazed Metacomet Trail).

Looking south from the Pinnacle

Friday, July 3, 2020

Connected more of my Appalachian Trail journey together today, from Route 41 (parking area a few miles from Lions Head) to join my turn-a-round spot last weekend (side-trail to Limestone Spring Campsite).

Enjoyed the Barrack Matiff Plateau, Billy's View, Giants Thumb, Rand's View, and the incredible gorge leading to Limestone Spring Shelter.  Once done, I had 9.7-miles completed.

Since getting back on the Appalachian Trail last summer, I have completed a little over 29-miles of the Connecticut Section.  I have also completed the Massachusetts Section from the Connecticut Line at Sages Ravine to Route 7 (roughly 14.7-miles).

Steep section

Billy's View

Stonewall crossing along the High-Point of the Appalachian Trail

Giant's Thumb, Manitou Stone

Giant's Thumb, Manitou Stone

Giant's Thumb, Manitou Stone

Found some new Friends to show the height of the Standing Stone (~9')

Rand's View

Rand's View

Rand's View

Rand's View

Rand's View

Steps leading up from Limestone Spring Shelter

Thursday, July 2, 2020

3-mile run in McLean after work.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #27 for 2020...

"Night People" published in 1992, from Barry Gifford.


Alt Cover

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Also, on this day, 2006, I completed my 35th marathon, Tunxis II.  

This was the second time in 5-weeks that I marathon'd along the Tunxis Trail...  this time, I used the southern portion down to Satan's Kingdom.  

My time was 6:06:30, and I had Tippi along for company.  It was her 9th completed marathon.

Tippi on top of  Indian Council Caves, along the Tunxis.