Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Another trip to the Granby Land Trust' Dismal Brook Wildlife Area for a run in the snow.  It was interesting to see that the parking lot was already plowed when I drove in (we had about 3' of snow).  Excellent attention to the properties by this Land Trust.

Ran for 5.5-miles including some "off the grid" paths.  Excellent day, wonderful trails.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Took a short ride out to Simsbury to run along their highland ridge, hopefully making a connection to McLean.   

Had a decent time for the first half of the adventure, even made it McLean rather easily with good footing on the short half-mile bushwhack section.  The trouble started while on the further western trail (blue I believe).

Snow began to fall, and it ended not being much, maybe a solid inch covering everything.  The issue was this is a very, very rocky section, and there was ice on most of the rocks prior to the snow falling.  The snow covered all the ice, and after losing my traction a couple times I decided to gear back to a crawl.

It seemed to take forever getting out of the area, it was that slippery on the rocks.  By the second half of the run, the views were gone, snow was falling, and I was out an extra 45-minutes longer than I expected to be.  But, I have a connection I can work with, and I have another potential connection as well.  And, I ruled a third option out.

Finished pleased with the run and 7.7-miles on my legs.  Not bad for a Tuesday.

Monday, January 25, 2021

Music 2021...

Effort #04,  "Lies"...  third piece from an extended play titled Eve of Destruction.

Recorded in the basement studio, solo.  

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Very cold again today, with more wind.  Drove to McLean to check the end of Westledge Trail, something I had noticed once upon a time and wanted to research to see if the path connected anywhere.

The end of Westledge did make a loop, and I think there may be an idea within this area for me to explore this winter.  We'll see.  On the way back I took the old forest road I hadn't been on in many years, and ended on the Ridge Road.  Another success!

Ended the day with 9.2-cold, slow miles.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Started the day in Seth & Lucy Holcombe Preserve, trying to connect toward the Old Granby Library.  Had wonderful success, with a variety of options.

Still felt good after that 5.3-miles, so I quickly (it was getting dark soon) drove over to the Dismal Brook Wildlife Area to see if I could make a connection to Holcombe Preserve from those trails.

Again, success, with only a quarter mile or so of bushwhack.  Got in another 3.2-miles to get a daily total of 8.5-miles on my legs.

Friday, January 22, 2021

The Metacomet parking was busy, so I drove a bit further into West Suffield and parked at the Bike Path Lot.  I figured I'd ramble up on the Quarry/Manitook Mountain to the Granby Notch, more or less.

Ended up with 4.6-miles split almost equally between trail and road.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

One change to my running that I have had to implement, if I wished to meet the mileage goals I have set,  is to do more running on the road rather than strictly stick to the trail.

Over the past 28 years of running, up until last year I just didn't run on the road.  Most likely less than 20-miles total per year.  Many years, in the 90's and 00's, most likely not even a single day of running on the road.

Between longer and changed work hours, especially during daylight savings where I just have no actual daylight time to run in, and the loss of a real winter season for snowshoeing, I needed to make the change to some running on the road and sidewalks around town.

I purchased some very cushioned Hoka Running Shoes last January, and ran about a third of my miles on the road in 2020.  It ended up as follows:

  • Road - 339.6
  • Trail   - 961.2

This allowed me to get some running in on days when I normally wouldn't have been able to.  The careful approach and better road running shoes kept me from being injured.  In the end, I managed to complete my goal of 1275 total miles in 2020.  Moving some of my miles to the road allowed me to achieve this.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #1 for 2021...

"The Galton Case", by Ross MacDonald, first published in 1959.

Cover Image

Alternate Early Edition

Alternate Early Edition

Alternate Early Edition

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Music 2021...

Effort #03,  "Lonely Bull"...  second recording from an extended play titled Eve of Destruction.

Recorded in the basement studio, solo.  

Monday, January 18, 2021

Celebrated Martin Luther King Jr Day with 10.4-miles on assorted trails in Burlington.


Sunday, January 17, 2021

Late Morning Run in Burlington along parts of the Tunxis Trail.  Finished with 9-miles.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Heavy rain most of the early part of the day;  upon clearing, I ran the Hill Street Loop of 7-miles. 

Friday, January 15, 2021

Some exploring on "unofficial" trails in Granby, off Donahue Road near the Belden Brook.

Thursday, January 14, 2021

At the end of 2018, I began thinking about increasing my running mileage safely.

During the years 2017 & 2018 I completed 1055 and 1001 miles, respectively.  

It's been a long road back from the issues with Lyme Disease and a Brain Tumor.  These totals were a far cry from my best running years, but pretty awesome considering some of the yearly totals between 2010 and 2017.

I wanted to run more distance, and somehow manage to avoid injury.  

A few running friends mentioned that runner's were setting a goal of 2020 miles for the year 2020.  That would be way too much for me, especially when considering my injury history.

I decided, or hoped, to cover increases in running mileage over a five-year period, coving the years 2019 through 2023.  This would be my age 56 through 60 years.

If I was struggling with injuries, and basically getting to 1000-miles per year, I needed to be sensible.  I also knew that I wasn't going to get near 2020-miles in a single year anytime soon, or at all possibly.

I came up with the following plan, contingent on staying very healthy and not missing large gaps of running time:
  • 2019 - Running at Age 56 up until December Birthdate - - 1200-miles
  • 2020 - Running at Age 57 up until December Birthdate - - 1275-miles
  • 2021 - Running at Age 58 up until December Birthdate - - 1350-miles
  • 2022 - Running at Age 59 up until December Birthdate - - 1425-miles
  • 2023 - Running at Age 60 up until December Birthdate - - 1500-miles
I couldn't increase too much too soon, I needed to ramp-up gradually over several years.  1500-miles seemed like a nice, round, goal.  Especially to do it during my age 60 running year.

So, here I am approaching the middle of the five-year plan.  I have accomplished the following for the first two-years:
  • 2019 - 1200-Miles
  • 2020 - 1300-Miles
While I had some difficulty in 2019 with injury, 2020 went much better.

Missed Time in 2019:
  • most of 3.5 weeks when the basement flooded (January 24th - February 14th)
  • pretty much 2 weeks with the calf muscle issue #1 (April 10th - April 24th)
  • almost a full month with the calf muscle issue #2 (June 1st - early July)
Missed Time in 2020:
  • Only 6-Miles during the week of February 10th thru 16th (Flu / Fever)
  • Short 12.4-Miles during the week of February 17th thru 23rd (Flu, lingering symptoms)
All being said, I have Hope, and some confidence, that I can continue working my miles upward.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

"High Points" along the trails I've visited during December, 2020.
  • Stony Hill, McLean - Holcomb, Granby, CT
  • The Pinnacle, Penwood State Park, Bloomfield, CT
  • Hanks Hill, Nipmuck Trail, Mansfield, CT
  • 50', Nipmuck Trail, Mansfield, CT
  • Mary Edward Mountain Property, Grany, CT
  • East Saddleback, Mary Edwards Mountain Property, Granby, CT