Thursday, July 1, 2021

What Played in Ed's Head -- Music listened to for the time-period  June 1st through 30th, 2021:

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

On this day...
Tunxis Trail Marathon II - June 30th, 2006
Barkhamsted & New Hartford, Connecticut

Today I completed my 35th marathon, Tunxis II. 

This was the second time in 5-weeks that I marathoned along the Tunxis Trail...  this time, I used the southern portion down to Satan's Kingdom. 

My time was 6:06:30, and I had Tippi along for company.  It was her 9th completed marathon.

Tippi on top of  Indian Council Caves, along the Tunxis.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

We have reached the 1/2 Way Point of 2021, Week 26 is finished.

I ended the 26th Week with 791.8-miles.  My Goal for this year is 1350.  Considering "equal" weeks of mileage, I estimated a Goal of 663-miles at this point in time.

This means I have been continuing on a slightly "better" pace of miles-per-week than intended.  Much of this can be attributed to the need to work 7-Days On, 7-Days Off from January through May (COVID Restrictions).  Regardless, I am currently roughly 129-Miles "ahead" of pace.

If I can continue to do my thing, and avoid injury or stoppage, I have an opportunity to hit my goal.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The 2021 Suffield Summer 5km Series at Bruce Park kicked off tonight.

I showed up, since much of the fitness battle is just that, "Showing Up".  The difficult part was the temperature was in the middle to high '90's at race time, with brutal humidity.

I had attended two of these sessions back in 2019 (no events during 2020's COVID Restriction Season).

I had managed times of 28:04 & 27:32 during 2019.

For tonight's run, I was hoping to:

  • Run a steady pace
  • Not drop due to the heat
  • Be smart and not get hurt

I began, by later on reviewing the video of the start, not in last place but roughly about 9th from the rear.  Honestly, the heat had me worried.

I stuck to a steady pace, feeling just about uncomfortable but not to the point of wanting to quit.  When I got to the finish of the first loop (the route has changed slightly, it is now only two equal loops) I believe the timer shouted 13:19.  That seemed about right for how I was feeling.  The question was, how much could I hang on for Loop Two?

The answer was fairly well.  I finished exactly at 27:00 for a 8:41 pace per mile.  Nothing exciting, but considering how long it has been since I went at race-pace (two years) and the extreme heat and humidity, I was plenty satisfied.  Plus, I didn't pull anything.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Tunxis State Forest, with K2 and Wuzzam.

Plan was to run from Route 20 for an hour, and return in an hour fifteen.

We made it to Roberts Brook right at an hour, and 3.8-miles.

Total trip on schedule, and 7.6-miles on our legs for this humid morning.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

3.4-mile run around the Bridge-Main-Kent-Wisteria-Dylan-Bridge loop.

Late morning drive to Clinton, Massachusetts to visit our niece.

Friday, June 25, 2021

4.4-miles on the Southwick - Suffield Bike Path (Farmington Canal Heritage Trail).

Thursday, June 24, 2021

It was a great day to continue on my Massachusetts Appalachian Trail Adventure.  Low temperature as well as low humidity, and the bugs didn't seem to be out either.

My last visit on June 10th had me turning at a brook crossing in the Town of Washington.  Today, I parked on Blotz Road with intentions of traveling to Grange Hall Road.  This would allow me to run through Washington, Hinsdale and Dalton today.

I climbed Warner Hill and Tully Mountain, and actually went a bit past Grange Hall Road to the Barton Brook crossing before turning back, finishing with 11.1-miles.

Looking at Saddleball and Greylock from Warner Hill

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Beautiful morning, sixty-degrees and no humidity (or bugs).  

Took another route up Sodom Mountain, this time completing 5-miles. 

Two great discoveries today...

  • another balanced / perched rock
  • so far, the quickest route to the "top" I've found
Turned around at the rock outlook just north of the cell-tower.

Many new paths again today for the database.

Later on, my appointment with the ortho doc revealed a fracture in my wrist.

Balanced Rock

Off the Ledges, with Cooley Pond in distance

Off the Ledges, with Cooley Pond in distance

Penwood Pinnacle & Heublein Tower in the distance

On this day in 2012, Wuzzam and I completed a Metacomet Marathon, with a time of 7:00:00.  

Tippi ran the first section with us, from Route 20 to Phelps Road, and back (about 10.5-miles). 

Weather report was that heating up was very possible - so DL grabbed Tippi early.  

This was my 48th marathon completed.

Our Route for the Marathon Distance.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

First part of the day was picking out and purchasing a new dining room table & chairs combo. 

With the rain present throughout, I thought I'd take a hike on Sodom Mountain, climbing up the old forest road from Route 57.  I followed it up to the gas-line crossing, which was about a mile.  

Felt good, so I continued on a bit of single-track, which looped around itself multiple times before reconnecting.  Good use of my time, as I had not been on this single-track before.  

Ended the day with 4.5-miles.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Granby Land Trust to explore the Mary Edwards Mountain Property and the Godard Preserve.

Completed 5.5-miles in brutal humidity;  or at least it felt that way.

Top of East Hill

Balanced Rock on south sider East Hill

Mary's Rock

... And on this day in 1998, my Pop and I completed the 1st Greylock Centennial Marathon in Adams, Massachusetts.  Our time was 6:55:38.  This was a very difficult course, with 5 lengthy climbs.  This was my 21st marathon completed, and my dad's first.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Granville to attempt a connection to the Phelon Forest from Blandford Road.

Ended with 8.1-miles, with good connections to Phelon, North Lane, and Wendy's Road from Friday's run.

Various side trails yet to explore, and a nice small waterfall along the way.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Visited Sodom Mountain and the Granville Gorge today.  

Found a good spot to cross the brook at the Gorge to enter the trail network below Drake Mountain.  This was a great "find", and means that I can avoid a bushwhack to go from Sodom to Drake Mountain across Munn Brook.

Then to Sodom Mountain, to explore another route "up".  Excellent route that exited onto the old forest road across the top, and then re-entered back to the intersection.  Much of the route tread is decent shape, the only drawback to this trail is the steepness of the initial climb.

Ended the day with 4.6-miles, with a bonus of a nice balanced rock about a mile up.

Afterward, drove to Adams to visit the folks, including a Father's Day lunch of Fish and Chips I carried from the Williamburg Snack Bar, and donuts from Mrs. Murphy's.  Pretty wonderful day.

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

Friday, June 18, 2021

Out to Granville after work, totaled 5.4-miles on Wendy Road and some surrounding spots.


Thursday, June 17, 2021

It looks like our bird-feeders will be on-hold for a while, as we had a visitor with two cubs today.