Saturday, June 19, 2021

Visited Sodom Mountain and the Granville Gorge today.  

Found a good spot to cross the brook at the Gorge to enter the trail network below Drake Mountain.  This was a great "find", and means that I can avoid a bushwhack to go from Sodom to Drake Mountain across Munn Brook.

Then to Sodom Mountain, to explore another route "up".  Excellent route that exited onto the old forest road across the top, and then re-entered back to the intersection.  Much of the route tread is decent shape, the only drawback to this trail is the steepness of the initial climb.

Ended the day with 4.6-miles, with a bonus of a nice balanced rock about a mile up.

Afterward, drove to Adams to visit the folks, including a Father's Day lunch of Fish and Chips I carried from the Williamburg Snack Bar, and donuts from Mrs. Murphy's.  Pretty wonderful day.

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock

Balanced Rock