Saturday, December 9, 2023

Drove out to Bear Hole with K2 to get him set up on the 3.2-mile loop, and for me to piece together a few more miles into a runnable longer loop.

35-degrees when we began, and 49-degrees when we finished 3-hours later, so you guessed it, we overdressed badly.

K2 completed two full loops and a modified part of a third - so good work on his part.

I explored a bit, managed 11.1-miles at a decent pace without getting totally tired out.  Out of the eleven-miles, I have a solid, well flowing 7.2-miler as well as a shorter 6.5 - 6.7-miler.  I  have an idea to add another mile on in the northeast, we'll see.

This is a bit of progress, anyhow.

After cleaning up at home DL and I grabbed out Christmas Tree and Decorations out of storage for the Holiday Season.

Friday, December 8, 2023

Completed 4.9-miles on the Metacomet Trail from Phelps Road north to the CT/MA border just south of Rising Corner.  Finished prior to my shift at work, temperature in the low 30's.

These miles today gave me 100.3 New England Trail Miles (related) for 2023's Hike Challenge.

I filled out the online form, sent my results in. I have participated four years (I think).

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Suffield 5km Course #3 for 2023.

Cold and Clear at 8 a.m. or so (~25-degree.); 26:36.

The Route behind the Agri-Center is blocked off by fenced goats, so a minor adjustment there.

1st loop in 13:26 and 2nd loop in 13:10.  Negative Splits!!

Times for my Race Against Myself (plus official events) at this location:

  • #3, 2023 - 26:36 (December 7th, 2023)
  • #2, 2023 - 28:03 (September 7th, 2023)
  • #1, 2023 - 29:50 (August 26th, 2023)
  • #5, 2022 - 27:30 (October 1st, 2022)
  • #4, 2022 - 26:07 (June 20th, 2022)  Official Event
  • #3, 2022 - 25:28 (May 22nd, 2022)
  • #2, 2022 - 25:20 (May 7th, 2022)
  • #1, 2022 - 27:24 (April 8th, 2022)
  • #7, 2021 - 23:50 (October 30th, 2021)
  • #6, 2021 - 24:34 (September 17th, 2021)
  • #5, 2021 - 25:10 (September 3rd, 2021)
  • #4, 2021 - 25:29 (August 27th, 2021)
  • #3, 2021 - 26:48 (August 20th, 2021)
  • #2, 2021 - 25:20 (July 9th, 2021)
  • #1, 2021 - 27:00 (June 28th, 2021)  Official Event
  • #2, 2019 - 27:46 (July 9th, 2019)
  • #1, 2019 - 28:04 (July 2nd, 2019)  Official Event

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

2023 Unsupported Trail Race Unofficial Challenge #26

Bear Hole Reservoir 5km (3.2-miles)

Back to Bear Hole to explore some paths I haven't been on, and one I've only been on once.

Thought I was running easy but averaged 5 mph anyhow,

Finished well with 3.2-miles, all single-track.

Work-Day afterward.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

"Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #28 for 2023...

"Faceless Killersby Henning Mankell in 1991, the first in his acclaimed Wallander series.

Swedish:  Mördare utan ansikte

The English translation by Steven T. Murray was published in 1997.

Monday, December 4, 2023

What Played in Ed's Head -- 

Music listened to for the time-period November 1st through November 31st, 2023:

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Quick check at work, with a drive to visit the folks mid-day.  

Rain never stopped, the drive home in the dark and heavy rain stunk.  Nice visit.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

2023 Unsupported Trail Race Unofficial Challenge #25

Bear Hole Reservoir 11.25 km (7-miles)

K2 and I got a very late start but we did get in some exploratory adventure.

I rambled along several of the single-track trails that I'd just not managed to "find" previously.

K2 had his first visit to Bear Hole.

I ended with 7-miles with an average of 4.9 mph. Not an all out "hard" run, but fun.

Friday, December 1, 2023

I've been noticing the Bloomfield to Tariffville Multi-Use Trail on the side of Route 189 in Tariffvile for a bit, and I am nearing the completion of 100 miles on the Metacomet (New England Trail) for my NET HIKE CHALLENGE 2023.  

Putting this together, a trip to Marion Wilcox Park in Bloomfield to climb to the Metacomet (NET) down to Tariffville where I could then explore the Multi- Use Trail back to Wilcox Park seemed like a great idea, and would be the proverbial "two birds one stone" theory.

Pretty awesome run, despite the drizzle which began right about at the start of my adventure.

Completed 4.3-miles in 52:30 (4.9 avg) with 500' of climb.

From Wilcox to the start of the Multi-Use Trail was about 2.2-miles.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

2023 Unsupported Trail Race Unofficial Challenge #24

Metacomet - New England Trial 10km (6.4-miles)

North to South (and back), Beginning Phelps Road.

10:50 a.m. start on a 40-degree sunny day.

Turned at the spine (half-way), averaging 3.9 mph, finished averaging 4.1 mph. Not bad at all considering I ran hard yesterday as well.  Finished with 6.4-miles in roughly 1:34:00.

Heavy leaf litter on the trail made the going tough, especially the downhills.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

2023 Unsupported "NonTrail Race Unofficial Challenge #23

Cowles Park "Upland" 3.5-Miler

An Excellent day in Cowles, hit it before work with 30-degree weather.

Took about 2:30 off my previous attempt (Nov 17th).

Cowles Park Ramble #4

3.5-Mile Trail Run in 36:39 (5.7 mph).

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

"Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #27 for 2023...

"The Shark-Infested Custard" written by Charles Willeford in 1975, but first published in 1993 due to no publishing house wishing to touch it due to the depressing  nature of the tale (or, at least that is the story I got).

Monday, November 27, 2023

Over the weekend guess what arrived in the mail from "The Friends of Northwest Park"?  

My credentials for completing the 2023 NWP Trail Hike Challenge

Sunday, November 26, 2023

2023 Unsupported Trail Race Unofficial Challenge #22

Bear Hole Reservoir Race Course 11.25 km (7- miles)

Back to Bear Hole to run the legal 7-mile route in low thirties for temperature.

Despite some tired legs from running "hard" the previous two-days, I made an attempt at pushing.

  • Mile 1 - 5.1 avg
  • Mile 2 - 5.1 avg
  • Mile 3 - 4.9 avg
  • Mile 4 - 4.7 avg
  • Mile 5 - 4.7 avg
  • Mile 6 - 4.8 avg
  • Mile 7 - 5.0 avg

Completed in 1:24:00, which made me pretty happy.  

The first two-miles are pretty flat and open enough to get a good cushion.  

From 2 to 3 can be improved on as well.  

The Metacomet / NET section is going to be slow, as it is rocky with difficult footing, and there is half the climb (700' total) in that section as well.

Once done with the Metacomet, there is a nice section, probably close to a mile, where the steam can be picked up.  

And then, there is mile 5 - 6 where there are three or four short climbs that really can take the gas out of you.

From there, the last mile or slightly under can be whalloped if one is feeling pretty good with something left in the tank (legs).

Saturday, November 25, 2023

2023 Unsupported Trail Race Unofficial Challenge #21

Whiting Street Reservoir 11.25 km (7- miles)

Drove to Easthampton with K2 to run the Whiting Street Reservoir at the base of Mt Tom.

The route included some of the New England Trail (Metacomet) and including the section out to the circle 'round the pond, one lap looked to be about 3.5-miles.

I went around twice, averaged 5 mph, and finished with 7.1-miles.