Sunday, January 2, 2011

4th Annual Massachusetts State Championship
2010 Mass State Championship
(make up from March 2010 & December 2010)
North Pond / South Pond 3.0-Mile Snowshoe Race
January 2nd, 2011 - Florida & Savoy,  Massachusetts

Race Directing duties.

Long story behind this one, my friend LC said it best in an article about the event...  Here is how the story unravels:

"... the Massachusetts State Snowshoe Championship, originally scheduled for March 2010 in Northfield, was postponed to December because of lack of snow cover.

December fared no better, with December 25 being the only day that showed promise. Needless to say, Santa holds exclusive rights, so the 2010 date stealthily tiptoed across the border to January 2, 2011, hoping no one would notice. Hardly anyone did.

A fireworks meltdown over the New Year’s holiday left our race director (incidentally from CT and standing in for official MA representative DD) hunkered down with his email list. “Here is what I suggest,” he cautiously typed, “– stay home and skip the race if you have any doubts or want to avoid potentially poor snowshoe conditions. Truthfully, most of you should avoid our race tomorrow. Do something else…”

Well, conditions were as advertised.  The snow was minimal and roots were showing for much of it.

I managed 25th of 25 participants, using my time from marking the course early on.