Friday, September 14, 2018

Ventured out to Williamsburg again, trying to tie up loose ends.  This time, it was from the snowmobile crossing along Route 143 to Chesterfield, south to connect to the Petticoat Hill area.

I had only been on this trail once before, about a decade ago, late winter or early spring.  Some of it came back to me, which was a source of encouragement and strength.  I managed 8.2-miles, and connected to where I needed to be.

The gas line is interrupted by a swamp, which I think I recall during that winter.  There are a slew of single-track trails scattered throughout, very nice work.  The snowmobile trails connect to Unquomonk and the Big View area as well.  More work awaits here, but I have the connections to complete a Bullitt Reservation to Route 9 Williamsburg Marathon.

Signage for the Williamsburg Rod & Gun Club

Brook along single-track trail

Snowmobile signage

Rock Balanced on larger Rock

Swamp in the late afternoon

And some Old News...

On this day in 1999, I completed my 20th marathon at Pisgah.  Time was 5:47:30, and I am fairly certain this was a 50km event.  I missed a turn somewhere around 10-miles, and had to backtrack a bunch.