Saturday, March 9, 2019

Between some running around western mass I stopped off in downtown Cummington for a run.  I was thinking of more or less re-creating a run I had done back on February 25th, 2008, from Cummington to Plainfield.

I did not wear snowshoes, due to three reasons:
  • I had 6/10's mile from my parking spot at the Berkshire Trail Elementary School to the snowmobile trail,which would mean carrying the shoes twice (in and out), and then putting them on, which was unappealing today.
  • I was hoping to cover a decent amount of mileage.
  • It was 16-degrees for the start at 8:30 a.m., which would mean the tracks would be firm and stiff from last nights sleds running through.
The run back in '08 was pretty solid in my memory.  The one big concern was passing by one home along the route, which housed two loose dogs, one of which was limited to three legs and appeared to have an issue with Tippi and I passing through.  Well, that was eleven years ago, and it appears that our old three-legged friend has Given Up the Ghost as Tips has.

The route runs along side Mill Brook for the first 3 or 4 miles.  The Mill Brook is a tributary of the Westfield River.  The Shaw Tannery is an old historical site along the Cummington portion of the route.

Once crossing into Plainfield, there is another historical site, the Plainfield Mill Site.  The Plainfield HIstorical Society has some wonderful information available in two parts;  Part One and Part Two.

Running along Mill Brook is rewarding and refreshing, I hope to explore in the warmer weather to see what it looks like without snow on the ground.  Truthfully, it is very impressive during winter, and the snowmobile riders have an outstanding route here.

Interestingly, it looks like the old path in Cummington may be called Shaw Brook Road, before it turns into River Road in Plainfield.  My map sources name the brook "Mill" however.

Once into Plainfield, and a little jog along Union Street (basically unplowed in winter) until taking a sharp turn east into Red Fox Hill.  Steep climb up until crossing Plainfield Road just outside of town and then remaining on open fields for the most part.  Down to cross Route 116 and hit a turn-a-round point at the 7-mile mark, just a short way from the old Peppermint Park Campground.

On the return, I stuck to Plainfield Road all the way back to Cummington Center, and added the little snowmobile trail up to Route 9.  Ended the day with 12.8-miles of running on a fantastic day.

Old Stonehouse near Mill Brook confluence with the Westfield

Plainfield Mill Site Kiosk

Mill Site Foundations

Red Fox Hill

12.8-mile route