Saturday, June 20, 2020

Back to the AT to tie-together the end of Wednesday's run which stopped at Mt Easter Road.

Parked at the AT Parking Lot on Route 7 right at the Housatonic River (and very close to where the northern end of the Mohawk Trail meets the AT).

This was a really good decision, as going out for the 5.2-miles really had most of the climb - the return trip would be much easier.  Which ended up being a help as the humidity and heat was pretty difficult to deal with.

Made Mt Easter Road at 5.2-miles and completed the trip at 10.25.  I left out the 2/10-mile of the field at the start/end and opted for the road at the end only.

Crested Mt Easter and Sharon Mountain, as well as Belters Bump.  Connected now from Route 4 to Route 7, and everything north of Route 41 to rejoin Route 7 in Mass.

Belters Bump

Hang Glider View (Limerock visible)

Looking west off Mt Easter

Stonework for a "hilly" section