Saturday, February 20, 2021

Began the day putting on the snowshoes around the intersection of Apple Valley Road and Smith Branch Road in Ashfield.  I've hit that area often over the past decade on the Ashfield Trails, but today I wanted to get over to the crossing at Clesson Brook Road.  I have often thought of that section, but have never explored it.

This would get me up onto Orcutt Hill, and from there I wished to turn east over Route 112 and then take the old climb I once came down with Tippi in December of 2007, up to the Khandroling site.

From there, I would head past Mary Lyon Hill continuing south before taking a western turn on Baily Road down off the ridge, joining Hodgen Road once we crossed back into Buckland, and for the final mile I would take the snowshoes off along Route 112 until getting back to the car at Apple Valley / Smith Branch Road.

Completed 11.1-miles, feeling pretty good throughout.  The morning was bright sunny and despite being high twenties felt great.  Once I began coming down off Mary Lyon Hill things clouded up, the wind rose, and it was much colder for that last hour.  Topping off the difficulty, the Baily Road section only had an old set of cross-country ski tracks on it, which slowed me down considerably.

Very satisfied with this loop today, I have connected more of the network.