Saturday, May 1, 2021

Another trip to Ashfield and Conway, to fill in some additional gaps of old trails / snowmobile corridor.

This time, Poland Brook Wildlife Management Area at Poland Gate (on the borders of Conway State Forest), to North Poland Road, near the Route 116 snowmobile crossing from Mount Owen.  I had explored this section with Tippi way back on April 10th, 2009.  Haven't been back since, and I realized when crossing over the slightly northern section over Mount Owen on March 21st that the snowmobiles hadn't been over this section this season (small section of closed trail).

Found my way just fine.  Even found a few private trails, and old obscure forest / logging roads.  Final word is the connections are coming along just fine, and I am enjoying the adventures.

Once I was done, I had 7.5-miles in of slow going.