Friday, July 22, 2022

Cowles Park, stayed low, finished 3.1-Miles in difficult heat.

Walked Lily once in the evening for 1-Mile.

Late evening, called into work for a Pump Station / Pump / VFD failure (I was able to resolve the issue enough to get us running again - drive replacement necessary going forward).

Worth Remembering -

In remembrance of Wuzzam's 
dog Sam... RIP July 22nd, 2019...

Sam was my dog Tippi's best friend, and the only dog she ever gave way to.  

Sam was just so big and strong, Tips realized and respected that.  

What a beautiful pair of animals they were as they ran freely though the woods with us.  

I will remember them splashing in the streams we came across, Tippi yapping away at Sam because he fetched the stick first (or grabbed it out of her mouth).  

Time goes on but I truly miss them both, still.

Sam on the Nipmuck, February 2016

At Pixie Falls, with Wuzzam