Saturday, November 11, 2023

Today was going to be the day I located the Lost Acres Waterfall myself.  I had heard and read about it enough without having seen it.  I was prepared to bushwack until I was satisfied.

I parked at the spot near the intersection of Fuller and Lost Acres Roads, which I had explored back in January of 2022 or so. 

Rambled down hill on the road, saw a decent wood-road path leading towards the brook, and followed.  There was a pickup truck at the bottom (hunting season) and a difficult steep bank to get down to cross the brook.

Single-track for a bit, it extinguished, I picked it back up, all the while trying to keep the brook close.

Followed a game trail up a ridge which was west of the brook, and I could hear pounding water.

Back down to the brook, up the east-side, and there it was.  Pretty darn impressive actually.

There is some stone foundation work above the falls (on the east side), old barn or structure of that type.

Made it out after climbing to the top of the falls and on re-entry to the road, was almost directly across from the very large boulder on the east side of Lost Acres Road just south of Fuller Road.

2-miles and it was worth it.