Monday, February 5, 2024

After listening to my sister's snowmobile ride from Windsor to Worthington yesterday, I got my mind back to working with my data from Windsor Snowmobile Trails and starting thinking about making that connection to Worthington.

Snowmobile season really helps as the correct paths are busy, with side-paths unbroken. Should be easy, right?

Well, it wasn't.  I parked at Liston's, which looked fantastic from the outside and I'll wait to get inside at another moment.  From there, I crossed the street (Route 143) and thought I was heading north toward Windsor (I was, temporarily).

I made a nice loop, and returned to the opposite side of the trailhead I began on, at Liston's parking lot,

At this point I had around 5 - 5.5 miles, and while much of the loop was great trail some was through open field.  While this works great in the winter, summer can provide some issues (un-mowed, gate closures, access not granted. etc).

I was thinking about calling it a day at the parking area until I saw the correct trail went off in a different direction.  I had some time, and I felt fresh enough.  I heading west and began climbing soon after.  Once leveled out, I figured I would look for a landmark to turn around at.  I kept going and soon was flying downhill.  I also could see on my gps that I might just have to cross Rt 143 again about a mile west of Liston's Parking lot.  My fate was sealed.

Came out at the 143 crossing, and being right around 7-miles, I took the road back to the car.  Completed my run at 7.9-miles, and still feeling pretty strong.