Thursday, April 27, 2017

My friend the Woods Walker convinced me to travel to Goshen, Massachusetts to see the Goshen Stone Chamber (aka Potato Hole).  The path leading uphill is one I have been on prior, with my old trail buddy Tippi.  Turns out we were close to the Chamber several years ago, without knowing such a thing existed.  The chamber is an incredible object, and something I will return to.

Funny thing is that when we returned to the car, there was a truck parked along side me (in the middle of nowhere), and it turned out to be Farmer Tom, a friend of mine from a nearby town.  Just yesterday afternoon, Tom and I made plans to meet up on Friday - so it was pretty awesome that we ran into each other at that moment in a pretty secluded spot, with no prior expectations or knowledge of being there today.  Things sure are mysterious at times.

Also, on this day in 2006, I completed the Metacomet Marathon with my dog Tippi;  it was just us.  This run began in Sunrise Park, Suffeld, Connecticut and flowed south through Penwood State Forest in Bloomfield and Simsbury, Connecticut.  We spent 6:27:00 completing a little over 28-miles or so.  This was my 31st marathon completed, and Tippi's 7th.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Music 2017...

Here is effort #11, Summer Breezed, The Dark Heart Duo.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

WMAC / Dion Snowshoe Series interview at Hoot Toot and Whistle...

Monday, April 24, 2017

Tippi in Dubuque State Forest.... Part II.

2013 along the Lumpy Bumpy Trail in Hawley, Massachusetts

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Since last Sunday at Tunxis was so rewarding, I went back to cover Route 219 north to Roberts Brook, and back.  Outstanding weather, high 60's and sunny with no humidity.  11.2-miles in about two and a half hours.
Today's Route
Top of Indian Council Caves
 Roaring Brook, cooling off point
 Approaching Pine Mtn from the south
 Roberts Brook
 Small Falls upstream from Roberts Brook Crossing
 Liddy, Tippi and Sam's favorite pool off Pine Mtn
Total 13-mile Tunxis section, Rt 20 to Rt 219

Saturday, April 22, 2017

While it was supposed to be clear, the rain kept up throughout the day.  Granted, it was just a drizzle, but it still wavered my motivation.  I stuck fairly close to home and drove to McLean, thinking I would enjoy the 5 1/2-mile loop I often do.  

I made it out to the Bissell Brook crossing (which, unless you want wet feet is a balancing act on a large, smooth, bark-less tree limb stretched across the brook, about 20' or so).  The limb was slippery and impossible to navigate, so I turned around and did an out-and-back.  Somewhere around 4.4-miles.

Map of the full route, I turned back at Bissell Brook

Skunk Cabbage

Friday, April 21, 2017

3.2-miles along the Metacomet Trail, with a drop down into Cowles Park.  The rain held off, and it was in the low 50's for temperature...  which made for awesome running.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Tippi in Dubuque State Forest....

2013 along the Lumpy Bumpy Trail in Hawley, Massachusetts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Music 2017...

Here is effort #10, Afterburner.

More from the Road Warriors for Christ, October/November of 1987. This one also written by the Reverend, lead vocals are mine, chorus by Rev. K. He also supplied the scratchy guitar piece.


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

I've completed the map for the Tunxis Marathon route.  The plan is for a one directional venture, north to south, beginning at Granville State Forest and joining up with the Tunxis Trail just north of Route 20 (joining the Tunxis at the Hurricane Brook Shelter).  Map measured at 25.8, so it will be a bit longer than that in the real world.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Metacomet North from Phelps after work for 3.1-miles.  I was dragging a bit, and had doubts about running today, but I was glad to have stuck it out.  Every day running makes running every day a little easier.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Sunday, beautiful day with clear blue sky and temperatures approaching 80 degrees.  Wuzzam wanted Tunxis, and he wanted about 12-miles.  We managed 11.60.

Our thoughts through this run turned toward our dogs.  The little brook with all the cascades near the Balanced Rock has always been a favorite spot for Liddie, Tippi and Sam.  The one pool in particular, with a little bench on the side....  

Wuzzam asked me about trail racing, and if I ever think about entering a race again.  I thought about it a bit.  I've raced probably 300 events or more, but none in the last 5 or 6 years (honestly, I just don't remember).  I mentioned feeling as though in a race we follow the rhythm of the race, which is fun and fine.  But on our own, we can just follow the rhythm of the forest.  No one and nothing to distract us from the pace the woods wishes us to understand.  I like the idea of following the plan that the forest has for me.

Roberts Brook

Old Foundation
Balanced Rock

Saturday, April 15, 2017

We had three birthdays to celebrate today (Tracy, Donnalee, and Otis) and Easter a day early.  Pop, JC and I also drove up to High Bridge to search for the Lead Mine.  Pop said he was last there 67 years ago, and we felt confident.

Pop and I found two cellar holes, and JC wandered up higher and found the mine for us.  On the way back, we spotted a large chunk of Chaga on a birch tree.  Total hike ended right at 2-miles, with two crossings of the Tophet Brook without any of us getting our feet wet (water is high & roaring now).  

1st Cellar Hole
 2nd Cellar Hole
 Low and Behold, the Lead Mine
JC on top of the Lead Mine
 Pop & JC at the Lead Mine
 JC & I at the Lead Mine
 Chaga on Birch close-up
 Chaga on Birch

Also, on this day in 1996, I was fortunate to run the 100th Boston Marathon. It was my 10th marathon completed, in a time of 3:24:14.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Scheduled Easter Ham pick-up at Perkarski's in South Deerfield, so I rambled into Conway State Forest to check out forest road and trail conditions from the late February tornado.  I covered just under 8-miles (7.8) and saw that White Pine didn't hold up well.

I'll check in with DCR to see if there are any plans for cleanup, etc.  This is not a heavily used state forest, so I am not sure what the priority will be.  Snowmobiles use it in winter, so I imagine the main forest roads will be cleared out.  Hunting is popular here, but I don't know how dependent hunter's are on the trail system.  There has been a really wonderful series of single track trails through the forest, unmarked and obscure for the most part.  Some made it, some didn't.
 Parked at the Church off Rt 116 and crossed the Burkeville Covered Bridge
 A look off Joe Herrick Gulf
 Nice stonework along a forest road
 Cellar Hole
  Cellar Hole
 Plaque inside Covered Bridge

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Out to McLean Reservation for a 4-miler, using a couple trails I haven't been on in a while.  Wonderful day, low 60's and breezy with plenty of sun and blue sky.

Including a map of the route, and photos of Pitch Pine (Bark, Top, Cone and Needles).