Monday, September 2, 2019

A visit to old-faithful, the Metacomet Trail from Phelps Road north to the Old Oak/Stonewall crossing and back;  total of 3.5-miles.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Recovery day from the Marathon yesterday.  Did some running around with DL, managed a nice relaxing hike in McLean together for 1.2-miles, and had lunch at Rancho Viejo.

As for the recovery, I am in really good shape.  No issues climbing or going down stairs, getting in and out of the car, etc.  The walk in McLean was fine as well.  I am very pleased that I didn't totally destroy myself during the 7-hrs on the trail yesterday.

As a complete surprise and bonus, I stumbled upon a Cumberland Farms in Granby, where I could pick up a delicious ice-coffee for .99.  As the clerk told me as I began filling the cup.... "... best in the area!"

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Metacomet Trail Marathon - August 31st, 2019
West Suffield, East Granby, Bloomfield & Simsbury, CT

Today would be the day I would try my first Marathon distance run since 2014.  I am not as fit as I would have liked, as I am carrying 15 or so extra pounds.  I haven't really done any racing in many years, so running hard hasn't happened either.  It has been a struggle health-wise at times, with constant issues related to the bouts with Lyme Disease, as well as the entire repair from the brain tumor surgery.  Basically, I have grown tired of trying to get into "perfect" shape to attempt this distance, as it's dawned on me that "perfect" shape may never materialize.  So, today is the day to suffer if need be.

The original route was the Granville State Forest to Satan's Kingdom using Granville, MDC Forest Roads, and the Tunxis Trail that I had worked out through exploration and mapping during the past few years.  But, that would need two vehicles or a shuttle, and Wuzzam wasn't recovered from the McLean distance last Saturday.  While DL offered to shuttle, I decided to run the Metacomet Marathon that Wuzzam completed with me in 2012.

This would be the fourth Metacomet Marathon I would attempt.  Earlier versions were:

April - 2006, with Tippi.  From Sunrise Park all the way through Penwood completely, and back.  This is actually much further than 26-miles, more in the 28 or 29-mile range.

August - 2008, with Tippi.  From Phelps Road in Suffield, north to Robinson State Park and back for the first 16-miles, and then from Phelps south to Route 20 and back for 10-miles more.

June - 2012, with Wuzzam, and Tippi for the first 10-miles.  This would be the same route as today's scheduled route.  Park at Route 20 in East Granby, run north to Phelps in West Suffield and back for the first 10-miles, and then head 7-miles south into Penwood to do a 2 to 2.5-mile loop before heading back to Route 20 for the last 7-miles, with a grand total of right at 26+.

I got an early enough start, after my one aid-stash at miles 14.5 & 22.  8:50 a.m. I was running along on my way.  Completed the first 10-miles averaging 4.3 mph on the hilly, rocky trail.  All in all, I felt pretty good at that point.

The Hatchet Hill section into Tariffville and the Farmington River became a bit tougher, and by the time I was climbing up toward the Bartlett Chimney around 15-miles, I was feeling a little worn.  Recovery was achieved, and as I approached the Penwood section I was shuffling along pretty well again.

The Metacomet once in Penwood, through to the Pinnacle, is harsh.  Mostly climbing on rocks, with a few lengths of trail to actually run well.  I run this section often enough, and I am able to run it, but that is due to starting at this point, not beginning it at 17-miles.  Today, this section was taken at a fast hiking pace rather than truly running form.

Once on the bottom of the Pinnacle, I feel as though I really charged through the lower section of Penwood back to Wintonbury Road.  My time dipped to an average of 4.1-mph through 22-miles.

The two final legs, from the Farmington River and over Hatchet Hill, was extremely difficult.  For this final 4-miles, I ended up dipping to a 3.9-mph average for the day.  I was still able to jog reasonably well on the more level sections, but the uphills were pushing my heart-rate to a place I wasn't comfortable.

To finish was awesome.  I wasn't sure I had the mental determination to tackle the suffering that a marathon in the woods presents.  I proved to myself that toughness isn't an issue at this point.  My legs were in great shape, I did not have any trouble on the later downhills, even the steep ones.  I am very satisfied with my overall conditioning regarding leg strength.  Even the late uphills, it was more the cardio than the leg muscles.  Limited long trail racing over the past 5-years reared it's head today.

Final thought is I am very satisfied.  In perspective, during the 2012 version on the same route, I had a final total time of 7:01:00.  Today, I ended up at 6:56:00 total, 6:41:00 moving time.  I believe the 2012 run was a much hotter day, as my memory tells me that.  I also think the "stopped" time would have been greater for the older run, but I don't have any data proving that.  So, all in all, a real good run that I can build on.

This was my 55th completed marathon lifetime.

Mile One and Nine, Peak/Copper Mountain

Mile Five, Phelps - Suffield Land Conservancy Property

Mile Eleven, enormous Oak

Mile Thirteen and a half, overlook at T-Ville

Mile Fourteen & Twenty-Two, Farmington River

Mile Fourteen & Twenty-Two, Farmington River

Mile Sixteen & Twenty, Ledge after Bartlett Chimney

Mile Eighteen+ at base of rock stairs to Pinnacle

Friday, August 30, 2019

After last weekends run at McLean, I began thinking if the weather kept cool, and I feel like I did on Saturday, I would attempt a Marathon this weekend.

That being said, the weather was holding, I rested through the week more or less, and I took a late afternoon 3-mile jog in McLean Refuge to loosen up the legs.  We'll see if it works.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Music 2019...

Effort #38,  "Transparent Radiation", the tenth piece from the Dark Heart Duo's "Summer Solstice Session" of June 21, 2019.

Selfless man slip by my side,
Uttering words about the turning tide...

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #22 for 2019...  "The Drowning Pool", Ross MacDonald's 1950 second in the Lew Archer detective series.

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime Edition Cover


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Work trip to Templeton and Uxbridge, Massachusetts through the day, with a brief amount of time to stop at Purgatory Chasm on the way home for a hike through the wonders.

Also, on this day, I've had success completing marathons.  The first was in 2008 and the second was a year later in 2009.

In 2008, Tippi and I finished Metacomet II, which began at Phelps Road in Suffield, and covered north to Route 57 and south to Route 20.  Running time of 5:32:00.  This was my 37th and Tippi's 13th completed marathon.

In 2009, Wuzzam joined Tippi and I at Tunxis II (South), which meant we ran from Route 219 to Satan's Kingdom, and also north to Roberts Brook I believe.  Our time was 6:04:44.  This was my 42nd and Tippi's 15th marathon.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Music 2019...

Effort #37,  "Jon Blows It", ninth piece from the Dark Heart Duo's "Summer Solstice Session" of June 21, 2019.

Additionally, I rode back and forth to work on the bicycle today as well for 11.0-miles.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Another outstanding day for weather, took a recovery run along the Metacomet from Phelps Road south for 4-miles.

West Suffield Mountain

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Outstanding morning for a long run, cool (60's, sunny, with no humidity).  Wuzzam was hoping for something in the 12 - 15 mile range, without too many steep ups or downs.  The answer would be at McLean, where the climbs are not massive, and the trails are as soft and well maintained as anywhere in Connecticut.

We rambled around for 14.7-miles, covering ground at a decent pace.  There was only about a 3/4-mile segment where we repeated ourselves on trail, which explains how extensive the trail network is in McLean.  This was a really good run and something we can build on going forward.

Later in the evening, DL and I drove out to the Iron-Horse Music Lounge to listen to Savoy Brown play rock and blues.  Excellent show, great time.

Pine-Needle path on the North Trail

Wuzzam entering the Eddy Trail

Brook Crossing along the Eddy Trail

Second Brook Crossing along the Eddy Trail

Rock Outcrop area on the Eddy Trail

Fern at at their height of growth in McLean

Wuzzam at Mile Eleven

Friday, August 23, 2019

An after-work drive to Cornwall for a continuation of my Connecticut Mohawk Trail Adventure.  Began at the entry to Mohawk State Forest, on Route 4, and managed my way for a total of 8.8-miles.

Nice sections of trail, went over Red Mountain and Overlook twice each.  Some extended road section as well, which is a bummer as there seems to be plenty of woods for an alternative (gaining permission must be difficult).

Large Split Boulder on Mohawk Trail

Red Mountain

At Johnson Road

Single Boulder at the top of Overlook Mountain

6' high Stonewall along the Mohawk Trail

6' high Stonewall along the Mohawk Trail

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Between the heat, humidity, and hard driving rain throughout the week, as well as a rest for my sore piriformis muscle, and a very busy week anyhow, I decided to take Monday through Thursday off of running and biking.  Hopefully, beginning Friday and continuing through Sunday, I get back at it.

In the meanwhile, I have a " far" map of my completed sections of the Appalachian Trail in northwestern Connecticut and southwestern Massachusetts completed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Music 2019...

Effort #36,  "Interstellar Overdrive", eighth piece from the Dark Heart Duo's "Summer Solstice Session" of June 21, 2019.

Additionally, I rode back and forth to work on the bicycle today as well for 11.0-miles.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #21 for 2019...  "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo", Stieg Larsson's 2005 introduction to Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander.

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime Edition Cover

Later Edition

Movie Tie-In Edition

Monday, August 19, 2019

Music 2019...

Effort #35,  "Twenty-five Minutes", seventh piece from the Dark Heart Duo's "Summer Solstice Session" of June 21, 2019.

Additionally, I rode back and forth to work on the bicycle today as well for 11.0-miles.