Wednesday, October 13, 2021

From the Archives - Old Marathon News...

Conway Covered Bridge Marathon - October 13th, 2012
Conway & Goshen, Massachusetts

On this day in 2012, Wuzzam and I ran the Conway Covered Bridge Marathon.  We had Ned and his daughter's dog with us for the first 10-miles or so, and they were good company.

The idea for the run had been with me for a while, but what sealed it was Farmer Tom was doing a group trail ride through the woods from either Berkshire East or South Face, to the Covered Bridge in Conway.

We would start running in the opposite direction of the bikes, beginning at the St. Mark's Church parking area (we hoped to start running on an hour but we found out the church bells haven't been active for many years).  We immediately crossed the Burkeville Covered Bridge and we were soon into Conway State Forest.

Highlights of the run included:
  • Cricket Hill
  • Joe Herrick Gulf
  • Smith Hill
  • Bullitt Reservation
  • Chapel Falls & Ledge/Pony Cliffs
  • Moore Hill and the Firetower
We finished really strong, final time of 6:33:15.  This was my 50th completed marathon.

On the drive out to retrieve our two aid station drops, we ran into the mountain bike group crossing West Road exiting the DAR State Forest onto the Chapel Falls Trail toward Conway State Forest.

An excellent day!

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #7 for 2021...

"Web of Murder", by Harry Whittington, published in 1958.  

Cover Image (Black Lizard Vintage Crime Edition)

Cover Image

Cover Image

Cover Image

Cover Image

Monday, October 11, 2021

A bit more "tying together" at Sodom Mountain...   put some additional pieces together and completed 6.4-miles along the way.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

 McLean Game Refuge with K2, finished with 5.5-miles.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

2021 Unsupported Trail Race Fall Challenge #3

Tunxis Trail "Burlington Great Loop" 27K Trail Run (16.8-Miles)

I have hoped to make this awesome loop a yearly ritual, and today I made it happen for at least the second year running.  Excellent running weather, right in the low-sixties and overcast.  Only a few moments of bright sun throughout the entire time in the forest.

  • The Wall
  • Hemenway Lookout
  • Mile of Ledges
  • Bear's Den
  • The Tory Cave
  • State Trout Hatchery
  • Devils Kitchen
I had run this on my own last November and finished in 3:38 with only a minute or two of stopped time, for a 4.7-mph average.  This time, I again managed a 3:38 moving but slightly more stopped time, for a 4.6-mph average.

The big difference was last year I completed through the "Mile of Ledges" averaging 4.5-mph, and this year I was down to 4.3-mph.  So, I ran the last 10 - 12 miles faster this time.

And, from the archives...

DAR to Bullitt Reservation Marathon
October 9th, 2013 - Goshen & Ashfield, Massachusetts

The DAR Marathon (Daughter's of the American Revolution).

Tippi and I ran a DAR State Forest Marathon today in 6:10:00.  This was my 52nd completed marathon, and Tippi's 17th.  

We began in Goshen, at the Daughter's of American Revolution State Forest, and ran out to Bullitt Reservation, and back.  We enjoyed views from Chapel Ledge and Chapel Falls.

Tippi looking off Chapel Ledge.

Tippi on Chapel Ledge.

Chapel Falls.

Chapel Falls.

Tippi cooling off in a pool at Chapel Falls.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Prior to my weekly COVID-19 Test and work, I managed 4-miles on the Metacomet from Route 20 North to the Boy Scout Camping area, and back. 

Weekly Weigh In while involved with the 61-Day Challenge - 214.6 lbs.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

What Played in Ed's Head -- 

Music listened to for the time-period  September 1st through September 30th, 2021:

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

3-miles at the end of the workday, to the soccer bubble. 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"High Points" along trails during September, 2021... 

  • Sodom Mountain, Southwick, Massachusetts.
  • Nick's Hill, Metacomet Trail, West Suffield, Connecticut
  • Metacomet Ridge, Cowles Park, East Granby, Connecticut
  • Drake Mountain, Granville, Massachusetts.
  • The Cobbles, Appalachian Trail, Cheshire, Massachusetts
  • North Mountain, Appalachian Trail, Cheshire, Massachusetts

Monday, October 4, 2021

From the Archives...

Mt Washington State Forest Marathon - October 2003
 Riga Plateau, South Taconic & Appalachian Trails, MA, NY & CT

Sometime in October of 2002 - 2003, Tippi completed her first "Marathon" along the Mt Riga Plateau; it would also be my 26th.  We had the "Bandit" along for the adventure. 

Our time was recorded as 5:38:00 over 24.7-miles.  I recall the end of the run taking forever once we descended Frissell and headed back to Mt. Washington State Forest Headquarters, as we might have diverted from the most direct track.

Maybe on top of Alander?

Intersection prior to Brace.
I believe this is the top of Brace Mountain.

The Bandit climbing Round Mountain.

The Bandit at the peak of Round Mountain.

The Bandit climbing Mt Frissell.

The Bandit climbing Frissell.

At the Tri-State Marker (NY, MA, CT).

Sunday, October 3, 2021

2021 Unsupported Trail Race Fall Challenge #2

McLean Game Refuge 13K Trail Run (8.2-Miles)

Cool and dry once again, drove out with K2 to ramble in McLean.  I didn't know how my legs would react or recover from yesterday's effort.  That question was answered very positively.  I managed the 8.26-miles in 1:34:00, which was an average of 5.3 mph.  K2 also arrived back at the finish well before the two-hour time limit we gave ourselves.

Saturday, October 2, 2021

2021 Unsupported Trail Race Fall Challenge #1

Metacomet Half-Marathon - 13.3-Miles

West Suffield, CT - Agawam’s Feeding Hills at Provin Mountain

Ran the Metacomet Ridge from intersection of Phelps and Mountain Roads in West Suffield, CT to just beyond the Fire Tower and Old Channel 22 News in Agawam, MA (and back).

Distance measured out at 13.3-miles, with a time of roughly 2:57 (a couple stops for photographs).

Cool and dry, weather stuck in the sixties and I was finished right at 11:30 a.m.  Awesome trail run.

View west from Provin Mountain

View northwest from Provin Mountain

View south from old quarry

Friday, October 1, 2021

Another long/late Friday at work, but just enough time to get in 4-miles on the Metacomet from Phelps Road south.

On this day in 1994, I participated in the 1st Hartford Marathon, running a time of ~3:16:00.  I needed sub 3:10:00 to qualify for Boston, and completing the run "easily" at this pace gained me confidence for my official attempt the following May at Vermont City.  This was my 4th marathon.

Weekly Weigh In while involved with the 61-Day Challenge - 216.2 lbs.

Thursday, September 30, 2021

From the Archives:  On this day in 2012 I completed my 9th Nipmuck Marathon today, as well as my 49th overall marathon.

I finished in a respectable 4:46:30, good for 28th place overall.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Music 2021...

Effort #18,  "Love is a Rose"...  Yet another Neil Young classic, by my friend Rev. King.