Monday, August 1, 2022

 Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #19 for 2022...

"Suicide Hill" written by James Ellroy, part three of the Lloyd Hopkins Trilogy, published 1986.

Cover Images

Walk Lily once today, 1-Mile (late evening). 

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Plans for a lengthy run with K2 were dead-ended by a call into work early morning.

Spent five-hours working through some bugs.  Hopefully, we are in an upward trend.

Walked Lily once in the evening for 1-Mile.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Furniture delivery in the morning, a 4.3-mile run in Granville mid-day, and a wrap up of several hours at work from mid-afternoon onward. 

Issues at work have been very time-consuming especially the last two weeks (I worked the equivalent of three full weeks during the past two actual).

Walked Lily once in the evening for 1-Mile.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Walk Lily once in the evening, 1-Mile.

90 Day Challenge will begin on August 1st this season....

It's that time of year again, the beginning of the 61 Day Challenge.

Last year, I extended the duration to 122-Days (September through December).

This year, I am beginning on August 1st!  With a short break planned for mid-September when we will hopefully be on a cruise to Alaska.

Weighed in at 220.1.

November 1 - December 31, 2021
The New England 61 Day Challenge is a healthy lifestyle initiative that includes education about healthy eating, physical activity, and positive behavioral changes. It encourages individuals and groups to participate and learn how to make smart choices and develop healthy behaviors.

New England 61 Day Challenge Pledge
Today, I pledge to participate in the New England 61 Day Challenge.
I will make my health a priority and focus on developing and nurturing my body, mind, and spirit.
I will strive to meet the challenge goals of no soda, no sweets, and no cigarettes.
I will remember that there will be bumps along the road, and I'll stay focused for the entire period.
I pledge to learn and grow in knowledge and to make healthier decisions on a daily basis.
I will support my colleagues, friends, and family throughout the Challenge.
I will take what I learned during the Challenge and strive to maintain my new healthy habits.

****  Additional steps we will be working on are:
  •           No Fast Food.
  •           Limited Fried Food.
  •           Limited Bread.
  •           No Alcohol.
  •           Exercise regularly.
  •           Drink 64 ounces of water daily.
This is my fifth consecutive year with this program, and once again I am determined to have a great multiple-months working toward success.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Walk Lily once in the evening, 1-Mile.

A blast from the past....

Savoy General Store Marathon
July 28th, 2005 - Savoy, Massachusetts

Tippi and I ran the Savoy General Store Marathon.  It was lengthy, over 29-miles I believe.  From Haskins Road to the General Store, which brought us all the way over to Windsor Jambs, we had the company of "Max", a friendly dog we picked up at Loop & Haskins intersection. 

Tippi along the trails of Savoy, 2005.

Oddly, each time we came to an intersection on the trail, "Max" knew which way we were planning on turning (even though he lead).  He managed this for 9 - 10 miles.

Total for the day was roughly 29 - 30-miles in 6:17:52.  It was my 29th completed marathon, and Tippi's 3rd.  After finishing, I met Jane Phinney in the Savoy Town Offices;  she is the Savoy Town Clerk and is the author of  "Taking the High Road".

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

 Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #18 for 2022...

"Because the Night" by James Ellroy, Part 2 of the Lloyd Hopkins Trilogy.  Published 1984,

Cover Images

Walk Lily once today, 1-Mile (late evening). 

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

DHD (Dark Heart Duo) record release on Bandcamp.

The Day After...

Walk Lily once in the evening for 1-Mile.

Monday, July 25, 2022

 Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #17 for 2022...

"Blood on the Moon" by James Ellroy.  Part 1 of the Lloyd Hopkins Trilogy, Published 1984.

Cover Images

Walk Lily once today, 1-Mile (late evening). 

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Run the Bridge-Wisteria Loop for 3.4-Miles in the heat and humidity.

Called into work for much of the evening, SCADA and RAS Pump Trouble (Once again, resolved).

Old news department...

On this day in 2009, Tippi and I explored the Robert Frost Trail through Sunderland and Amherst.

It was a day after a really hard rain, so the brooks and streams were really roaring.  

We ended up losing a bunch of time "off trail" around Eastman Brook.

We parked at Amethyst Brook and did a bit south, then north to the foot of Bull Hill.  

Outstanding area that I would like to return to.

This was my 43rd completed marathon and Tippi's 14th.  The run took us 6:03:58 to finish.

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Despite being called out to work from 10 p.m. until after 1 a.m., and not getting much sleep, I planned on today being the day I would complete the remaining 1.3-Miles of Appalachian Trail in Massachusetts.

Topping it all off, it was going to be very hot.

I had a route in mind, taking the Pine Cobble Trail in Williamstown up to my meeting point from my last effort on East Mountain, and then continue along to the Vermont Border.

Once in North Adams, I drove River Street until it became Massachusetts Avenue in Blackington, and then North Hoosac Road once into Williamstown.  Just a tenth or so up Pine Cobble Road and I was at the small parking lot, elevation ~630'.

The Pine Cobble Trail is really in fantastic shape all the way to Pine Cobble Lookout.  Much trail-work has been done through this section.  Took the brief extension to the lookout, and then continued on to the Vermont Border, finally reaching my destination in about 3.7-Miles at ~2280' elevation.

On the return, I took the Class of '98 Trail to avoid some of the "cobbles", and it was very good with but a brief section of small boulders to sort through, maybe 5-minutes of time.  The upper section could use a bit of bench cutting but the lowest section was fantastic.

Completed the day's section at 7.5-Miles, and with it I can say I have completed all the Appalachian Trail in both Connecticut and Massachusetts.  I began this journey in 2019, so it took me over the course of four seasons.  The distances had to be doubled, as I did all of this on my own, with one car, forcing out-and-back adventures.

Once back home, I did walk Lily for 1-Mile in the evening.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Cowles Park, stayed low, finished 3.1-Miles in difficult heat.

Walked Lily once in the evening for 1-Mile.

Late evening, called into work for a Pump Station / Pump / VFD failure (I was able to resolve the issue enough to get us running again - drive replacement necessary going forward).

Worth Remembering -

In remembrance of Wuzzam's 
dog Sam... RIP July 22nd, 2019...

Sam was my dog Tippi's best friend, and the only dog she ever gave way to.  

Sam was just so big and strong, Tips realized and respected that.  

What a beautiful pair of animals they were as they ran freely though the woods with us.  

I will remember them splashing in the streams we came across, Tippi yapping away at Sam because he fetched the stick first (or grabbed it out of her mouth).  

Time goes on but I truly miss them both, still.

Sam on the Nipmuck, February 2016

At Pixie Falls, with Wuzzam

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Drove to Plymouth with Dl to visit TC & MC.

Walk Lily once today, 1-Mile (late evening). 

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

RSC (Rapid Social Change) record release on Bandcamp.


Walk Lily once today, 1-Mile (late evening). 

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Black Lizard / Vintage Crime #16 for 2022...

"Strongarm" written by Dan J. Marlowe, published 1963.

Cover Images

Walk Lily once today, 1-Mile (late evening). 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Walk Lily late evening for 1-mile.

Old News Department...  on this day in 2008, I completed the Hallockville Pond - Mt Institute Marathon with Wuzzam and Tippi.  The 25+ miles were completed in 5:29:07, and we ended the day with a dip in Hallockville Pond.  This was my 38th completed marathon, and Tippi's 12th.