Saturday, April 30, 2016

Mohawk Trail State Forest, Charlemont, Massachusetts.  One of my favorite spots, whether with others or alone.
 Stafford Meadow, August 2014, Mohawk Trail Adventure.

 Red Pine Plantation, circa 1930's.

Looking skyward from the Pine Plantation.

Another excellent adventure and learning experience with my friend Bob L.  His friend Ray was along, who I am getting to know also.  These two are really full of forest wisdom.  Ray is doing some amazing things with his camera, as evident here.  We also had Jared, from eastern Massachusetts, and Tuomas visiting from Finland.

We spent the day wandering, measuring, documenting and sharing in Mohawk Trail State Forest.  One of our first stops was to the Jake Swamp Pine the tallest tree in New England.

Jake Swamp Pine.
Jake Swamp Pine.
It was another valuable day for me, as my knowledge of this forest slowly increases through these trips and learning experiences.  I am a fortunate man.